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Sound Driver Failing

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 9:28 pm
by zhexek222
A failed assertion occurs
ProcName: client_ryzom_rd.exe
Date: 2007/06/28 17:20:17
File: ../include\nel/misc/block_memory.h
Line: 190
FuncName: <Unknown>
Reason: "_NAllocatedElts==0"

Log with no filter:

Log Starting [2007/06/28 17:05:09]
2007/06/28 17:05:09 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF a0c sound_driver_fmod.cpp 157 : FMod Hardware Support: 32 2D channels, 31 3D channels, 63 Total Channels

Believe me when i tell you this, i have tried to play this game for 5 weeks and can not stay on for more than 10 minutes at a time.. I have ironed out alot of graphic problems, but now im working on sound. I removed my X-FI sound card and am now using onboard sound,.. i get this same error. Can anyone decipher what is happening here. i have decreased the amount of sound tracks to 16 and recieve the same error. There is no specific point in the game where it happens, i can log on and not move, and get the error. I have installed the current Realtek sound driver and previous versions. I dont care about sound quality, any sound would make me happy if I would stop crashing.

Re: Sound Driver Failing

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 11:43 pm
by daestny
Greetings. Have you tried disabling sound completely and seeing if your crashes continue? Its possible that there are other issues and the sound is masking the true cause of your crashes. (i.e. its also possible you have a bad bit of RAM)

If disabling sound seems to help you can try running with sound enabled and EAX disabled and work from there, slowly increasing your sound quality until you find the source of your problem.