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Use Item Enchanment - Deleted and need back ASAP

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2004 4:56 am
by wak313
G'day All,

Being the clever person I am, I deleted the "Use Item Enchanment" Action.
Of course at the time I couldnt see a use for it, as nothing I need made it available for selection.
I also figured I could "create" it again as I have managed to create other Actions such as Acid 1, 2 etc

This seems not to be the case.
No mater what I choose when creating an Action leads to the "Use Item Enchantment"

I have some seriously cool enchanted weapons, which my mate can use when I give them too him, but I cant :(

PLease dont tell me to Re-ROLL as I am Jack-Of-All-Trades in Noobland with everthing over lvl 30


Re: Use Item Enchanment - Deleted and need back ASAP

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2004 5:00 am
by goshawk
You can drag the icon off the 'A' menue.

yes I forgot the official name , hotkey is 'a' though


Re: Use Item Enchanment - Deleted and need back ASAP

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2004 8:16 am
by usinuk
goshawk wrote:You can drag the icon off the 'A' menue.

yes I forgot the official name , hotkey is 'a' though

Yep, its under the fight tree menu under the actions/skill treel list...just drag and drop onto your skills bar. The item enchantment use not available on the new actions bar is a really bad oversight and needs to be fixed. Probably would take about 3 minutes of coding...hint hint...

Re: Use Item Enchanment - Deleted and need back ASAP

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2004 9:19 am
by dpi209
usinuk wrote:Yep, its under the fight tree menu under the actions/skill treel list...just drag and drop onto your skills bar. The item enchantment use not available on the new actions bar is a really bad oversight and needs to be fixed. Probably would take about 3 minutes of coding...hint hint...
Actually, it was in most of the time and the devs removed it. But I can't remember why...