Banner Contest
Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 11:02 pm
For a bit of free advertising on various voting sites, I thought it would be interesting to have a little contest for the best Ryzom banner. The best banner will be voted on by players and the winners banner will be used on voting sites to advertise the game.
It can contain anything you like. It doesn't need to be animated.
Requirements needed on the banner
1. 468x60 pixels
4. Server names/languages
5. special features, unique aspects of the game
6. good staff members and great community.
7. GIF image only please, if animated.
8. No flash.
Example 1
Example 2
Don't let ryzom die!
Have fun, and go crazy
Feel free to translate.
The contest will last till:
Sunday 1st July
For a bit of free advertising on various voting sites, I thought it would be interesting to have a little contest for the best Ryzom banner. The best banner will be voted on by players and the winners banner will be used on voting sites to advertise the game.
It can contain anything you like. It doesn't need to be animated.
Requirements needed on the banner
1. 468x60 pixels
4. Server names/languages
5. special features, unique aspects of the game
6. good staff members and great community.
7. GIF image only please, if animated.
8. No flash.
Example 1
Example 2
Don't let ryzom die!
Have fun, and go crazy
Feel free to translate.
The contest will last till:
Sunday 1st July