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Finally on the mainland but...
Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2007 8:29 pm
by ucdawg12
Hey guys, I have been playing this game off and on for about a month now, a few days ago I decided to go to the mainland after finishing all of the XP quests on the newbie island, but I am a bit lost on where to go from here! My character is a Zorai so I chose that as my city. Back on the newbie island, I felt like I had a goal, to get off it, lol, but I am not sure what milestone I should aim for next, because I don't know what exactly is out there. Can anyone help me find some type of structure or give me something to aim for? I know this is game has been said to be a sandbox so you can do whatever you want, but I am not sure exactly what I can do... that is basically what I am trying to get across here lol
Thanks guys

Re: Finally on the mainland but...
Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2007 9:26 pm
by great83
Hmmm well a worthy goal to have in mind... Well i guess it depends on your playing style... But the best thing you could do for yourself is to trek yourself (dont have anyone else help you) to the captials of atys. Maybe take a time to grind a bit here and there when you feel like it, explore the jungle as much as you can. But in the end the knowledge you can learn from treking yourself is far greater then any player can teach you in the game, also to do this would put you at a great advantage over many people in the game for doing any hunts, boss killing, diggin and PvP.
The reason for this is all of those skills evolve around your reflex skills, you learn to sneak well you will have a excellent reflex skill in this game. But understand you will die alot during these treks, but learn from those deaths. If you have questions at all feel free to send me a tell in game.. I may be a bit odd (some say crazy) but i wont stare you wrong
Edit: btw if you need any weapons or some gear drop me a tell and i see what i can help you with

Re: Finally on the mainland but...
Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2007 11:09 pm
by meryan
I also felt a bit lost when moving to the mainland. However, as I started to settle in and meet different people, my goals changed quite a bit, from trying to solo everything to being a part of a team, guild and faction.
I hope that with your move, you will find the same support that I did with mine.