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Special Forces! [Event]

Posted: Fri May 25, 2007 3:43 pm
by ffxjosh
Hello all!

OK, so ive been a bit quiet recently and not been about much, but it doesnt mean ive not been thinking about my next event that i'd like to host. I'm going to be moving away from purly PvP events, but, ofcourse. There will be a hard fought out compition.

This event is called 'special forces' as it requires a team of the most elite homins to compete (Having multiple lvl 200+ is almost a must)

These elite homins will face sevearl challenges, while competeing against other homins. Now while speed is a must, the quality at which you complete your tasks is also taken into account. It is not for a brave Homin to run and kill, while he leaves his brothers behind.

Event: Special Forces
Team Size: 4 - no more, no less
Day: 9th June (sat - day still waiting to be confirmed)
Time: 8PM BST (Likely duration 1.5 - 2 hours)
Prize: TBC (offers welcome)

Confirmed challanges Include:

Search and destroy (Homin)
Search and destory (Mob)
Protect the Prince(ess)
Gather supplies for the harsh winter
Restock the armory
Hold the Defensive line
Diplomatic negotiations
Search and Rescue

With more to follow

The names of the events give a slight clue as to what they are about, however the specifics will be given on the day. Ideally PR wont have to be used (neturals dont have to worry about it :) )

The event is only partially to do with who completes the challanges first, It more about who completes them to best. Comepleting each challange will give you 'points', completing them to a high standard wil giev you more 'points' than completeing them to a lower standard. The winning team may not even have to complete all of the challanges.

It will be the team who completes the most challanges and gets the most points that will win.

Comments? Questions? Want to be a volenteer? Reply to this post, or PM me IG or on forums.

Once you have a full team (4 people) please post here, both of the name of the team and of the players involved.


Re: Special Forces! [Event]

Posted: Fri May 25, 2007 7:17 pm
by meloner
"DIPLOMATIC" negotiations ? how boring :p

sounds exciting anatti :)

Re: Special Forces! [Event]

Posted: Fri May 25, 2007 9:18 pm
by tigrus
Anyone can send me a ingame /tell if they wanna make a great team.

I am in for a elite team if anyone is interested...*Cough* Fasi *cough*.

Or you ty if you want me as the person to hunt ;)

Re: Special Forces! [Event]

Posted: Fri May 25, 2007 9:47 pm
by doubleta
can i sign up for the spot to get hunted PLEASE!!!!! *beging*

no realy i do where do i actuly sign

Re: Special Forces! [Event]

Posted: Fri May 25, 2007 10:17 pm
by iwojimmy
meloner wrote:"DIPLOMATIC" negotiations ? how boring :p

sounds exciting anatti :)
im thinking of the scene in "the Fifth Element" where Corben Dallas negotiates with the hostage holders.


Re: Special Forces! [Event]

Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 12:21 am
by beaut666
YEs, I can volunteer to be hunted as well! Or to help in any way!

Re: Special Forces! [Event]

Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 10:44 am
by zepth071
I can as well, seeing and mostly I ride solo with Jekan.

But the event sounds awesome! Just thinking about it is making my imagination run wild.

Re: Special Forces! [Event]

Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 10:35 am
by ffxjosh
Thanks for the offers guys I'll be IG this week and we'll chat more.

Just need some teams to sign up now :p

Re: Special Forces! [Event]

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 12:34 pm
by ffxjosh
due to some really hetic RL situations i will have to cancel this event.

I'm sorry to all the people who spoek to me about it. It was gunna be a great one, i guess it will be postponded untill further notice.

Sorry guys.

RL 1 - 0 Ryzom


Re: Special Forces! [Event]

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 2:21 pm
by riveit
ffxjosh wrote:
due to some really hetic RL situations i will have to cancel this event.

I'm sorry to all the people who spoek to me about it. It was gunna be a great one, i guess it will be postponded untill further notice.

Sorry guys.

RL 1 - 0 Ryzom

Sorry to hear it, Anatti. It was a bad day for me but it looked like a great idea for an event.