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New Zorai wants guild

Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 2:34 am
by arramere
Greetings I am Shaladar. Since I arrived at the refugee camp I have been looking for others of my kind. I wish to continue following the teachings of the Kami. I also wish to use my talents to rebuild our city. If there is a guild with similar goals I would like to speak to a representitive.

1st of all I'm new. (server Aripostial)<misspelled..did i mention i'm new>
I am from usa and i am on mostly nights 10pm est to 1am est. I am looking for a semi-high rp guild. I would pefer Zorai and Kami alligned but since I am new dont really care as long as rp is not frowned upon or met with hostility. I have looked at the list of guilds but I'm not sure if there are others out there.

Re: New Zorai wants guild

Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 6:36 am
by ghostkpt
Welcome to our lands, young zorai, I hope you will soon call it home like we all do. Just let the sap of Atys flow freely in your veins and you will soon feel one with the living planet.

Welcome mate,

Now that's a tough one. You see for nice playing experience you first of all need a guild that has at least 3 members on at your playtime that is active, that can guide you and provide you with everything you need. Then comes RP.

Most guilds on Atys are RP friendly and while their memebers might not always speak In character, they happily embrace an RPer. However if it is higher level of immersion you are looking for i can advise the following:

- House Etchmark - an active and highly respect full-RP guild . (US timezone) they are neutral in stance but accept kami-oriented players and let them follow the kami ways. Contacts: Jelathnia, Enon, Jeziella, Kasdimojin, Kedino.

- Red Ribbon Army - a tryker RP guild with a history and a reputation. Fully neutral. Contacts: Kyerna, Xythus

- Atysian traders Inc. - a semi/high RP guild that strives to provide homins of atys with everything they need. Also Neutral, corporate guild. Contacts: Trader, Gillest, Arvernae, Liteon

- Twilight whispers - Not sure if they are still about and they are obviously not recruiting - former zorai RP guild (Contacts: Thiede)

- Guardians of the Lost - Zorai guild. Used to be really active, but haven't seen them about for quite some time, they might be hiding in the jungle tho . Rp is acceptable but not everyone practices it. (Contacts: unknown just ask in universal chat)

- Knights Leviers - a kami fyros guild. The list says Semi\high RP however I have never encountered them to prove it. You can try :) Contacts: Vixen + ask in universal chat.

- Sirens of Atys - High RP kami guild. Accept only female avatars... At least 2 of them are still about . Contact : Jhaelrina + Uni chat

Other rp guilds that I know of are either defunct, solo guilds or have restrictions like (fyros males only).

I hope this helps somewhat. Have fun on atys mate. If I were you i'd chose House Etchmark from this list :) But I hope you will chose wisely as a true zorai does.

Last but not list az a RPing zorai you might be interested in this thread just make sure you read the very first post in it:

Re: New Zorai wants guild

Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 2:19 pm
by tigrus
Ryzing Souls is a great guild that I believe is Zorai.

Knights Leviers is a fyros guild, but and Vixen left the game.
Uliaryn is the leader, and they have been growing steadily as far as I know.

Talk to Ysquanir for Ryzing Souls. Best option you got imho.

"The Highlight"

Re: New Zorai wants guild

Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 4:46 pm
by skifryan
Guardians of the Lost: Brutan and Penguins.

Great guys. (for kamists)

Re: New Zorai wants guild

Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 12:24 pm
by arramere

Thank you one and all for your help.

Re: New Zorai wants guild

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 5:43 pm
by karmelit
As for Twillight Wispers, I believe the only member that's active/semi-active is Zok. (I could be wrong if Thiede is back of course)

Re: New Zorai wants guild

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 7:53 pm
by komissar
By the way Merchants of the Void is a small guild with a long lasting history. And Karm - it's leader is one of the nicest peoplу I have ever met in game.

Merchants of the Void is a Zorai guild :)

Re: New Zorai wants guild

Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 3:37 pm
by karmelit
Thank you kindly Komissar.
I am no longer leader as I got Quiksilver to return to MoV as our leader.
Didn't feel I did a good job seeing that no matter what I tried, our new members went inactive more or less. So I have taken up seat as HO again where I feel most comfortable.

We sure could use new members, that could revitalise my interest in Atys again. Alas, MoV is still a almost forgotten guild

Re: New Zorai wants guild

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 9:54 am
by tavenni
Actually, Karm, I remember you very well. I'm currently returning to the game, and I may look you folks up, but I'm still staunchly a roleplayer even so.

Glad to see you about *wave* you were a great help when I was starting out.

Re: New Zorai wants guild

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 5:15 pm
by karmelit
Glad to see I was of help back in those days.

And to everybody I'd like to recommend you, as only the young ones who got a little patience recived my help ;)
(if that can be counted of any worth today? *grins*)