Poll-Invitation about future fixes/features
Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2004 7:18 pm
a while ago the german community manager told us to gather the most important points, which should be worked on by the devs, in response we made a ten point list and started a poll on it
seeing as this would have an effect on the ryzom community as a whole i thought it would be only fitting to give you the option to vote there as well
the options are as follows and you can select as many as you like, the thread to vote is here: http://ryzom.com/forum/showthread.php?t=2969
> Liste bekannter Bugs und Bearbeitungsnotizen dazu
list of known bugs and notes about progress on those
> Mehr Kontakt mit den Devs: bitte gebt uns mehr und schneller Bescheid
better and faster communication with the developers
> Skills und stanzas genau beschreiben, skill-tree besser anzeigen
better skill and stanza descriptions and a better skill-tree display
> Mehr RPG-features; essen/trinken, Kleidung, Einrichtung, auf Stühle setzen...
more rpg features: food/drinks, clothes, furniture, sitting on chairs...
> Low-ql-mats-Ausbeute pro extraction erhöhen, mehr mats für Tryker
higher extraction rate for low-ql mats, more high-ql mats in the tryker lands
> Defense-tree wieder her oder eigene defense-skills
reenable defense skill tree or create defense skills
> Reihum looten lassen, jeder kriegt sein Zufallsloot, ab und zu was Besonderes
let all players who fought loot one after another and get random loot, sometimes something special too
> Rüstungsbug bitte rasch fixen - oder allgemein längere Haltbarkeit
fix the armor decay bug in teams or increase durability
> Mehr Missionen! Außenposten-Missionen, Länder-Tickets als Belohung, Info statt leerem Fenster
more missions! outpost missions, teleport tickets to other races as rewards, info about the empty mission windows and exact numbers about the fame
> Mehr Experience fürs Teamen, höhere Experience-Caps für stärkere Mobs
more exp for teams and higher exp-caps for stronger mobs
P.S.: if anyone can translate this to french and post it in the appropiate forum, feel free to do so
seeing as this would have an effect on the ryzom community as a whole i thought it would be only fitting to give you the option to vote there as well
the options are as follows and you can select as many as you like, the thread to vote is here: http://ryzom.com/forum/showthread.php?t=2969
> Liste bekannter Bugs und Bearbeitungsnotizen dazu
list of known bugs and notes about progress on those
> Mehr Kontakt mit den Devs: bitte gebt uns mehr und schneller Bescheid
better and faster communication with the developers
> Skills und stanzas genau beschreiben, skill-tree besser anzeigen
better skill and stanza descriptions and a better skill-tree display
> Mehr RPG-features; essen/trinken, Kleidung, Einrichtung, auf Stühle setzen...
more rpg features: food/drinks, clothes, furniture, sitting on chairs...
> Low-ql-mats-Ausbeute pro extraction erhöhen, mehr mats für Tryker
higher extraction rate for low-ql mats, more high-ql mats in the tryker lands
> Defense-tree wieder her oder eigene defense-skills
reenable defense skill tree or create defense skills
> Reihum looten lassen, jeder kriegt sein Zufallsloot, ab und zu was Besonderes
let all players who fought loot one after another and get random loot, sometimes something special too
> Rüstungsbug bitte rasch fixen - oder allgemein längere Haltbarkeit
fix the armor decay bug in teams or increase durability
> Mehr Missionen! Außenposten-Missionen, Länder-Tickets als Belohung, Info statt leerem Fenster
more missions! outpost missions, teleport tickets to other races as rewards, info about the empty mission windows and exact numbers about the fame
> Mehr Experience fürs Teamen, höhere Experience-Caps für stärkere Mobs
more exp for teams and higher exp-caps for stronger mobs
P.S.: if anyone can translate this to french and post it in the appropiate forum, feel free to do so