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New and stopping in to say hello

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 6:53 am
by peebee929
I just started playing earlier today(I'm Pacific US) and decided after playing for a few hours that this was the game for me.

I'm a veteran of many MMO's and have had a bad case of "Alt-itis" in my last few but Ryzom seems to be what I need since I can level any skill I choose if I decide to change roles :)

I'm having a blast on the island but looking forward to meeting some of you on the mainland.

I'm currently 30 in melee/offensive magic, 20 in all other skills, and plan on staying til I've done all the missions(including crafting/harvesting) and my melee, offensive and defensive magics are all 45+. I'm in no rush to hit the mainland.

Thanks to all who helped me out today with various missions if you're reading tired to remember names, sorry. :)


Re: New and stopping in to say hello

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 10:22 am
by acridiel
Welcome to Atys then.
Enjoy your stay :)


Re: New and stopping in to say hello

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 1:55 pm
by dcrispo
Finishing off the last few missions from Chiang is a wise move and a helpful one. All too many homins come to the mainland ill prepared but, once they arrive and join any of the great guilds here they are soon on their way to do whatever they feel like doing.
Yes, one of the things I liked the most when I first started was the "I don't need a dang Alt" discovery also.
Enjoy the remaindor of your stay on silan but, we'll be waiting for you on the mainland when your ready.

Re: New and stopping in to say hello

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 8:16 pm
by ajsuk
Welcome. ^^ :)