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Today's patch = ammo dmg changes?

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2004 4:02 pm
by aether4u
Saw the note today about 'adjustments to ammo damage'. Can anyone shed any light on this? What 'kind' of changes?

Re: Today's patch = ammo dmg changes?

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2004 4:36 pm
by jesder
was there a patch today?

I am at work and cant tell. I

Re: Today's patch = ammo dmg changes?

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2004 5:09 pm
by korin77
Can you post the entire patch notes here Aether for those of us at work?

Re: Today's patch = ammo dmg changes?

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2004 5:59 pm
by cerest
Sorry guys, I had to take down the patch notes for tomorrow's patch. I was told to put them up and then told a few minutes later to take them down. There was information in them that wasn't meant to be made public yet, so I apologize. As to the question in the thread I'm not familiar with the actual changes so I can't answer that.

Re: Today's patch = ammo dmg changes?

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2004 6:05 pm
by spaaz69
cerest wrote:Sorry guys, I had to take down the patch notes for tomorrow's patch. I was told to put them up and then told a few minutes later to take them down. There was information in them that wasn't meant to be made public yet, so I apologize. As to the question in the thread I'm not familiar with the actual changes so I can't answer that.
*tsk* *tsk* naughty

Just kiddin, thanx Cerest :D

Re: Today's patch = ammo dmg changes?

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2004 6:34 pm
by ozric
cerest wrote:Sorry guys, I had to take down the patch notes for tomorrow's patch. I was told to put them up and then told a few minutes later to take them down. There was information in them that wasn't meant to be made public yet, so I apologize. As to the question in the thread I'm not familiar with the actual changes so I can't answer that.
I cant see any reason to put up patch notes early, on the contrary, i can see only disadvantages. I dont think patch notes should be posted until just before or during a patch, regardless of the information contained within.

Re: Today's patch = ammo dmg changes?

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2004 7:16 pm
by korin77
I disagree, giving us customers a chance to see what is coming will allow us to give better feedback to the changes before they actually come out.

Aren't there patch messages already on the test server? Someone will see them ahead of everyone else anyway.

Re: Today's patch = ammo dmg changes?

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2004 8:28 pm
by stygeon
I disagree with you Korin on this one. It is my opinion though ... why post the notes early? As you stated for feedback ... without actually seeing how the chnages affect gameplay there is no truly constructive feedback.

Someone can say they dont like what it does but in reality they would say that no matter when the notes came up anyway. What it does do is give the devs the chance to make sure the patch takes on the live servers before posting what is going to happen. While the code should take to each server the same as the game progresses and each server varies based on how we drive the story I am sure some things will have to be coded just a tad differently.

Just my thoughts on it but posting early will truly not change much. Flamers will flame the day of, the day after, 1 year early or 1 year after ... this way at least we can see it in game and give true gritty feedback from the front lines instead of our interpretation of what it will do.

Re: Today's patch = ammo dmg changes?

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2004 8:43 pm
by s0lice
I saw that the notes are posted on the announcements for the european servers.. but not the NA?

Re: Today's patch = ammo dmg changes?

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2004 2:08 am
by ozric
korin77 wrote:I disagree, giving us customers a chance to see what is coming will allow us to give better feedback to the changes before they actually come out.
I cant see the devs changing anything in a patch from feedback received before the patch is even implemented, especially as the patch has already been made.
The drawback with early release of notes, is that the people lucky enough to be able to read the notes can react to the changes before they happen, leaving others at a distict disadvantage, if information contained in the notes relate to a change in gameplay.