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I'm new and I need you to sell me this game.
Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 7:47 am
by kanechart
Few questions:
1) Whats the biggest populated server?
2) How many total est activated accounts play?
3) How sandbox is this game?
4) are there clan houses player houses any environment setups like player made camps things like that..
5) How is the pvp is it fast, slow, boring or action packed like WoW?
6) How is PVE is it like swing 3 secs later swing 3 secs later swing.. Or swing less then a sec swing... ( I can't stand slow games lol )
7) I hear the market is great even in game credits not even worth much as theres a great crafting system is this true?
8) How are weapons in game. I came from a game where a capped crafter could make a certain quality of an item and some crafter could make same item but even better with skill. Also could mod things like better aim and speeds and such.
Sorry for the questions heres a small top of my head games I played in order of witch I liked the most.
Endless Ages
Anarchy Online
World of Warcraft
Everquest II
Lineage II
Reasons why don't play the top 2 games EA gone and Neocron has a pop of around 200 people at most on the server. It died...
The first 2 games are FPS I played as u can see WoW but got boring questing and just unfun its like you path is picked for you rather then picking your own path.. Also hated how everyone had the same items and armor.. No one was different
Re: I'm new and I need you to sell me this game.
Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 3:14 pm
by dcrispo
kanechart wrote:Few questions:
1) Whats the biggest populated server?
Can't say a thing about the non-english servers but, of the 2 english ones Aristople is heavily populated.
Two things to consider here: Atys is BIG so the population is very spread out most of the time.
Cho the newest server offers alot in the way of oppurtunities to a new player.
Its still young and very lightly populated so plenty of rewards to come for those beginning the game there.
2) How many total est activated accounts play?
No one knows and most don't care a hoot. As long as we see folks we know!
The community is awesome for information,hints etc etc.
3) How sandbox is this game?
Almost completely "sandbox" No limits on skills at all. Do,become, develop whatever you want.
4) are there clan houses player houses any environment setups like player made camps things like that..
Nope, but plenty of empty (bars, etc) to hang out in.
5) How is the pvp is it fast, slow, boring or action packed like WoW?
PvP (for what there is of it) is fast. Most PvP is conducted within the rules of Outposts conflicts although there are sometimes tournements etc.
6) How is PVE is it like swing 3 secs later swing 3 secs later swing.. Or swing less then a sec swing... ( I can't stand slow games lol )
Sometimes you don't even know what hit ya! Combat can be slow or fast, it all depends on what your going after, your own skills, the skills of your teammates, resists of what your fighting and other things. But, boring??? Never.
7) I hear the market is great even in game credits not even worth much as theres a great crafting system is this true?
Mats ( Material resources either foraged or quartered) are king here! Crafters are golden and the diversity is awesome.
8) How are weapons in game. I came from a game where a capped crafter could make a certain quality of an item and some crafter could make same item but even better with skill. Also could mod things like better aim and speeds and such.
Recipes for good weapons are sometimes shared with friends but, with the diversity of materials that can used in varying quanities and other factors experimentation and discovery are key.
Sorry for the questions heres a small top of my head games I played in order of witch I liked the most.
Endless Ages
Anarchy Online
World of Warcraft
Everquest II
Lineage II
Reasons why don't play the top 2 games EA gone and Neocron has a pop of around 200 people at most on the server. It died...
The first 2 games are FPS I played as u can see WoW but got boring questing and just unfun its like you path is picked for you rather then picking your own path.. Also hated how everyone had the same items and armor.. No one was different
No problem we love answering questions and welcoming people to the game. I'm sure several others will add more and possibly better detailed answers.
For now enjoy Silan. And welcome to Atys.
Re: I'm new and I need you to sell me this game.
Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 6:48 pm
by mariann
Welcome to Ryzom, I hope that you have as much fun as I do. If you have any questions while in game please feel free to ask.
Re: I'm new and I need you to sell me this game.
Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 7:36 pm
by skifryan
I take offense to your statement about WoW PvP, "action packed." Welcome to Atys.
Re: I'm new and I need you to sell me this game.
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 2:45 am
by kanechart
thanks for all the replys I think going go in game now play on the biggest server. Is it hard and confusing as a new player?
Re: I'm new and I need you to sell me this game.
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 3:57 am
by katriell
kanechart wrote:any environment setups like player made camps things like that..
Ryzom Ring. I have seen some
amazing things done with it.
Re: I'm new and I need you to sell me this game.
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 4:11 am
by kanechart
katriell wrote:Ryzom Ring. I have seen some amazing things done with it.
aww what the heck you can make ur own quests? Can you set rewards to them too..
Thats amazing crap wow..
Re: I'm new and I need you to sell me this game.
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 5:12 am
by japamala
kanechart wrote:aww what the heck you can make ur own quests? Can you set rewards to them too..
Thats amazing crap wow..
the only reward you can make is if you agree to give a guy something if he completes the quest.
but no item excanges can be made withing the ring because they don't want items travelling between servers.
Re: I'm new and I need you to sell me this game.
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 6:13 am
by tydamus
Hello there.
Japa, unfortunately that is untrue. There is trading allowed in the Ring, though it does have restrictions depending on what server and what items. But thanks for trying to help out, its still appreciated. To the rest of you, welcome to Atys

Re: I'm new and I need you to sell me this game.
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 7:14 am
by kanechart
Thanks for all your help so far from everyone of you and all the people in game also. I made char her name Is Ashleys.
Another few questions now I been playing game for few hours.
Let me get this right. At end game lets say u maxed every skill possible. You can be everything you want to be? So theres not limitation like example WoW being a Mage only or a Warrior only. Only being able to use certain items by ur class?
And my next real question hehe Please help me with the image below!