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Festival of the Exodus.

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 6:17 pm
by beaut666
OOC: In a discussion about possible "holidays" to celebrate, someone put forth a list of ideas, and "Festival of the Exodus" was on it. I can't get it out of my head, so I decided to start planning it.

I am thinking of hosting it in the Ring, so that many players can join in, from every server. I would have speakers, or at least a speech or two, maybe some fun like a raffle or prizes being drawn for.
Or should I do it in a major city? The bathhouse in Pyr for example! :)
I am going to plan it Saturday, April 14th at 12 noon (central USA time) till the cows come home. I can announce it on my podcast, and will feature it as a roleplay event, but it will be open to all!
I want to make this a lot of fun, so let me know if anyone is interested. I will probably also film it for my podcast and make a video podcast out of it.
Thanks for reading!

Re: Festival of the Exodus.

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 5:59 pm
by meloner
//OOC\\im looking forward to it :)
I'd like to encourage the event team to take a look at this thread and be inspired to organise some. I dont know if youve got much on your plate but surely one of you can find the time to log on with misters and misses Dexton, Yrk, Mabreka etc.. for a little speech or smthg ? :)

anyway GL Beau looking forward to it :) //OOC\\

Re: Festival of the Exodus.

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 8:41 am
by sidusar
[ Interesting idea. May I suggest that, if homins had a festival celebrating the Exodus, I'd expect there to be some kind of trek-related event?

Unfortunally things like races and sneaking challenges have all been done before and wouldn't really be unique for this festival... Hmmm, I'm afraid I wouldn't have any other ideas right now. ]

Re: Festival of the Exodus.

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 1:14 pm
by vguerin
If it's player inspired and not related to an Atys date (April 14th) then I do not think any of the "champion" type NPC's should be involved. Something well organised and planned warrants some policing by the CSR team to keep the rabble rousers out of others planned fun, but otherwise it's not an official event.

This event may be a bit too Hollywood for most, attend and you may get on video. Might be alot of bickering between the OP, SunCe & Pero for camera time :P

Re: Festival of the Exodus.

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 2:54 pm
by beaut666
OOC: being that I'm very new to roleplaying, I wanted to just have a "get together" and to encourage a slight PR (public relations not Prime Roots lol) event for roleplayers. Also, in the Ring I could boot any upsetters myself. But, seeing some of this advice, I am going to move the date off a little bit, (to get really ready for it)and will announce it on the podcast.
I am also just trying to light a fire under people's butt's about getting event's together hehe.
Sam was saying in the last cast that on his server they have a "Church of Jena" where people gather and spread the word and whatnot. I love that idea, of people just getting together for the sake of roleplay, or for events.
Thanks for the advice guys!

Re: Festival of the Exodus.

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 7:58 pm
by meloner
beaut666 wrote:OOC: being that I'm very new to roleplaying, I wanted to just have a "get together"
I take it master Beau you will not forget the bar, drinks and hired dancers ? :p

Re: Festival of the Exodus.

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 8:56 am
by tigrus
vguerin wrote: Might be alot of bickering between the OP, SunCe & Pero for camera time :P

I dont need to fight for camera time. I *GET* camera time.
And secondly, im glad you are obsessing about me :D

Re: Festival of the Exodus.

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 1:04 am
by beaut666
I have changed the date to a month later, to make sure I have time to plan this out, and to get everyone behind it.
So the date is now for Saturday, May 12th.
I am possibly going to change the subject to "My Birthday Party, Bring Presents!"..but not sure, lol.

Re: Festival of the Exodus.

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 11:25 am
by d29565
ooc: I'm still a bit confused as to what this festival is for. Er, is it something I have to read the lore to understand?

Re: Festival of the Exodus.

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 2:31 pm
by sidusar
Basicly, after all homin civilisations were destroyed by the kitin 50 years ago, some of the surviving homins fled from those lands and travelled to a new faraway land where there were no kitin. That land is where our characters live today, and the travel they took to get there was called the Exodus. (Or so it says in the time-line.)

"Yes.... yes.... this is a kitin-free land, and we will thrive. We will rule over all these newfound lands and we will call them...... the Newfound Lands." Ahem, forgive me, but I do believe that's about how it went. And now homins would celebrate that they finally arrived here after that long journey.

Mainly it's just an excuse to have a celebration though ;)

Actually, Beau, celebrating your birthday could be just as interesting. I've been to a lot of pub nights, a few weddings, and a few funerals, but I don't believe any character on Atys has ever thrown a birthday party...