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Connection Failed

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 4:48 am
by d29565
I can't seem to get a response from Klients, so I will have to post here.

I'm having trouble connecting to Ryzom. I go to the log in screen, put in my name and password. That works. It checks the files, and that works. Then I click the accept button. Afterwards, it should go to the character screen, but it doesn't.

I get all the nice little 'paleing matis' things in the top corner, but at the time the character screen should come up I get: "Connection failed. If you have just left the game then please wait 30 seconds for your previous character to be disconnected and try again."

But, I haven't played the game all day, and to my knowledge, no one knows my password to play my character. I've tried this 4 times, along with recreating my save folder and trying again. I ran the check data thing, and no data was corrupted. The game worked fine Friday evening and I'm pretty sure it logged off correctly. I also restarted my computer and tried again. I'm lost..

Re: Connection Failed

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 6:43 pm
by d29565
Fixed by the way. Apparently I had updated my internet thing (Earthlink) and that screwed it all up. A system restore fixed it all.

Re: Connection Failed

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2007 6:28 pm
by wickette
I am getting the same thing only I have never even played the game yet.. so I have NO Toon as yet...

I just keeps telling Connection Failed f you have just left the game then please wait 30 seconds for your previous character to be disconnected and try again."

Well, I have yet to even log in .. Need help... XP 2sp. how can I fix this problem pls..


Re: Connection Failed

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 2:57 am
by gillest
For info, I used to have this A LOT when playing on Wifi....

This seems to happen whenever your connection is weak or has a lot of packet loss.
Another thing recurrent in that kind of circumstances is the "re-patch": bad connection means (I presume) that the client can remote check the files properly and it "makes" a patch...
I patched the wheel like 6 times in 3 months lol : now when it happens i just wait for connection to become more stable :)