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The funeral of Mercellus

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 11:27 pm
by kalchas
((this note has been put up at stables and taverns across the New Kingdoms))

The Tryker, our friend and fellow Seed of Atys Mercellus is dead. We thank all who searched for him, and we did find him, though it was too late unfortunately.

His funeral will take place next Tria, around the time of passing to Quarta. The funeral will be held according to Tryker custom. He will be burned on a pyre atop a high place, and there will be 2 parts. The first part is for his closest kin (who we could not manage to find, we regret to say) and guild members. The other part is for all who would like to say their goodbyes to him, friends and sympathizers who might only have met him briefly. It is this part that will take place between Tria and Quarta.

All who wish to attend should send a letter to Perun or Kendrus before this time, so we can arrange your passage to the funeral place.

As is Tryker custom, please come clad in natural clothing. Not black and not too shiny. Also, you must attend the ceremony barefoot and you will be given dandellion leaves to scatter around the water as we spread his ashes amongst it. You can also say some farewell words to him.

We hope to see all who knew and cared for Mercellus at this farewell to him.

Perun, on behalf of the Seeds of Atys

((The second part of the funeral for all who knew Mercellus will take place at 11 PM GMT next wednesday, 7th of March))

Re: The funeral of Mercellus

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 1:59 pm
by frakel
/ooc: Thanks Kyerna for a nice ceremony :)