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Equilibrium Searching For: [non-PvPers]

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 8:48 pm
by tigrus
Equilibrium. The Guardians of Balance. Clicky
Are now looking for a few new positions to be filled.
These positions are NOT hunters, and will not be secret. They will pay a certain amount of dappers though.

Position one:
Equilibrium Bounty Agent: Our Equilibrium Agents are our official bounty makers. Their Job is to get bounty information and AQUIRE bounties.
They report the bounties to the headmaster. Who will then assign the bounty to a hunter.
The agents reward is 150 000 dapper for his first 20 bounties.
Then 200 000 dappers for every bounty aquired afterwards.

Position 2 (two):
Equilibrium Propagandaist: Commercialist for Equilibrium.
In charge of making the organisation known, handling forum commercial and posts, and running every public face of the organisation.
(ONE position only)
Payment: Will be discussed with the individual.

Position 3 (three):
Equilibrium informant:
The only position with access to our hunters information other then the headmaster, the informant is the person the bounty hunter contacts ingame, to locate and track down his bounty for him. This can be done in alot of ways, here its all about creativity. The informants can also lure marks into a trap, which can and should be rewarded by bribes from the hunter.
The informant will also have a standard payment of MINIMUM 100 000 dappers for each bounty assisted in.

Feel free to post ingame contact info here, and Equilibrium will contact you.

PS. all these positions will be known to the public face of atys. There are NO secrecy in any of these.

Yours Truly

Re: Equilibrium Searching For: [non-PvPers]

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 9:20 pm
by danolt
Organizations like this one very much fits within the backdrop of Atys. More then a couple of secret nefarious organizations have appeared in the lore in recent times.

However, it is painful to see how the obvious amounts of effort that are being put into this can be short-circuited so quickly. If your organization is to stupid to put threads in the right place, why should I hire them?


Re: Equilibrium Searching For: [non-PvPers]

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 9:22 pm
by komissar
ah my eyes! :eek:
you... some kind of sadist I guess :cool:

But proper hierarchy is always good :D

Re: Equilibrium Searching For: [non-PvPers]

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 9:31 pm
by tigrus
danolt wrote: If your organization is to stupid to put threads in the right place, why should I hire them?

Equ's organisation have specialised in hunting people. NOT posting on forums, and they are fully capable of hunting.

Me on the other hand is a master forum troller, blaim me.
So does Equ, hence he needs a public face... :p

Re: Equilibrium Searching For: [non-PvPers]

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 9:50 pm
by mithur
Man, what Pero is telling you: Post the damn threads about Equilibrium in the "The Saga" section. If you want more people read it, put a link into your signature, and place some dumb post in any thread saying something. Even if, you know, a lot of people reads that section too...

But, for god's sake, don't flood the General section with off-topic threads...

Re: Equilibrium Searching For: [non-PvPers]

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 9:55 pm
by tigrus
mithur wrote: But, for god's sake, don't flood the General section with off-topic threads...
lol, no offense....
But whats off topic in the general board?..
This is ryzom related, its general related since its not really the lore.
Its general about the game and its players.

So dont talk to me about off topic, or the DEVs would have moved the last one, AND this one by now.

Re: Equilibrium Searching For: [non-PvPers]

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 1:51 am
by setstyle
It may not be "off topic," but the presentation of this thread in terms of post location will most likely affect the reaction it receives from players.

After reading these first two threads, I really like the sound of this organization and am happy to see more depth added to our experience on Atys. As an advertisement in the "General" section, however, I feel that it has been propagated more as something else to do in the game, rather than something to increase the immersion into the game. I don't know how Equilibrium approaches roleplay, if at all, but a post in "The Saga" would still add more story to the whole thing. Anyway, have fun and good luck. :)

Re: Equilibrium Searching For: [non-PvPers]

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 7:20 am
by jamela
Gotta agree with Komissar, your loud posts inflict pain, LT.

It's interesting to see how Equilbrium is developing. I have to question the usefulness of an Informant whose name is made public at the outset, though.

Re: Equilibrium Searching For: [non-PvPers]

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 1:04 pm
by skifryan
I could definately do the bounty agent job, need me some dappers, but I could never do the informant.

Re: Equilibrium Searching For: [non-PvPers]

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 3:42 pm
by zanthar
jamela wrote:Gotta agree with Komissar, your loud posts inflict pain, LT.

It's interesting to see how Equilbrium is developing. I have to question the usefulness of an Informant whose name is made public at the outset, though.

I whole heartedly agree with Jamela here! :D Anyone that takes the informant position as it sits is a total fool! ;) If the informants name is not kept secret he/she is marked by every other homin as a rat! :rolleyes: