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QL250 Supreme HQ Black Fyros Heavy Armor

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 2:58 am
by jared96
OK you know the stats:

HP 496/496
Dodge 0
Parry +2
Protection Factor 57.6
Max vs Slash 625
Max vs Blunt 598
Max vs Pierce 577
HP Bonus (+250) + 125

Gonna offer one of these a week for as long as I am inclined to sit around PR and wait for stuff to pop. The odd part for this "auction" if you will is that I don't want anything in return for the armor sets. To "win" a set, post what you are willing to donate to the community OP. To my knowledge, the OP is most in need of cats and OP mats but if you have anything you think would be of value, post it here among your offerings and we'll see what happens.

I am not going to post a hard date and time cause I don't get into the forums that often but I intend to pop in and check each Sunday evening before logging out and whatever is here will be considered.

I won't decide who gets the set, I am just the crafter and delivery boy. When I check the thread on Sunday, I'll ask the peeps who run the OP what they be needin most at the moment and they will decide what best fits their needs.

Of course one additional item that can be bid is Supreme HA craft mats. With all skills over 249, failure rates are as good as they gonna get but had 4 failures in my last set (6 successes outta 10 tries) so I still look to have 88-88-56-56 mats before attempting a set. Since these mats can be used to produce a replacement offering, a bid of 288 sup mats in any combination (tama/glue/irin/silverweed) is, in essence, a guaranteed win. Such offers will be accepted immediately and the mats used to replace the set originally offered that week.

In summary, the community OP mostly needs stuff that comes from OP's since they have one OP supplying some 25 guilds. Offer what ya can and you will be helping the community .... and you won't have to be a dig slave to get something you will get good use out of :) .

Re: QL250 Supreme HQ Black Fyros Heavy Armor

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 9:45 pm
by aazad
okies ill bid 1 set rubbam tools
8 stacks of q200 cats
100 met flowers

Re: QL250 Supreme HQ Black Fyros Heavy Armor

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 7:55 pm
by jared96
Lookies like Azad gets 1st set. Three more to go.

Keep in mind while cats and OP mats are hi on the list, they are not the only things needed. Feel free to bid whatever you want.

Re: QL250 Supreme HQ Black Fyros Heavy Armor

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 10:35 pm
by jared96
Auction for next set ends March 10th.

Offer anything ya want ..... crafts, OP Tools, cats .....

Re: QL250 Supreme HQ Black Fyros Heavy Armor

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 1:32 am
by hijati
Ill take a nack at it,
i bid 4 stacks of ql 250 cats, and 20 sup boss mats from my collection. It is to large to list here,and i must take into consideration i have guild mats mixed in so send me a tell and we can work out sup boss mats but they are there and from most lands. :D

Re: QL250 Supreme HQ Black Fyros Heavy Armor

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 4:19 am
by riveit
6 stacks of q250 cats.

Re: QL250 Supreme HQ Black Fyros Heavy Armor

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 4:41 am
by sehracii
10 stacks of Q200 cats
10 Q200 cheng root

Re: QL250 Supreme HQ Black Fyros Heavy Armor

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 9:52 pm
by jared96
Sorry, Sehracii......been tied up with real life obligations and haven't logged in for few weeks....will contact you in game for pick up of ya stuff.

Sehraci you still around ? Haven't been able to catch you in game.