Adressing the Ranged skill - Suggestions
Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 4:06 am
Ive been a keen gun user for a long time, and with GF's intensions to look closely at the range skill I was wondering
what those with proficient experience with the skill actually feel needs changing or adding to?
Things like the animations, and the crafting aspect are the only things I think really need adressing.
My personal opinion is. The actions and the result you get with each of the two handed weapons works really well.
People have complained about the bulk of Launcher bullets. Personally I've had no problems leveling Launcher, I kept in
mind that it is a devistating weapon against up to six enemys, so I would make sure to attack upwards of 5 mobs per pull.
Killing five mobs with 7 or 8 launcher bullets works very efficiently. The key thing of course is that it takes "skill"
to be able to pull that number of mobs, and keep them agro'd. It's almost like an "elite" skill, one that actually requires
some brains, and more then button bashing.
The need that someone be able to dig the mats to craft their own bullets to be able to level the skill, means it is pretty time
consuming, and requires a player to do alot more then shoot the gun.
I'm kind of, of the impression, that there isn't anything wrong with the skills themselves, and perhaps the key thing
that GF would try to tackle is the accessiblilty of the skills, especially to low level players, and the casual player.
Off the top of my head, perhaps one solution would be to sell max damage bullets on the merchants. I don't think this would take
take anything away from the skill, and no special mats were ever needed to be able to craft max damage bullets. It would erradicate
the need to level the craft and forage skills.
So Accessibility. In my opinion, is the thing to look at. Please don't look at dumbing down, or changing the stanzas or the way the
guns work or the effect they have.
What suggestions can people add please? (before they mess it all up )
Player Suggestions/ fix requests:
Stop Re-centering Camera after each shot!
Introduce Animations
Make Bow and rifle ammo exclusive to their skill types.
Crafting stats - make use of those stats that currently have no effect, or remove given stats.
Fix the OP launcher , autolaunchers. currently no AoE , or Ricochet effect working, rendering the guns useless.
Make one handed guns dual weild.
Ive been a keen gun user for a long time, and with GF's intensions to look closely at the range skill I was wondering
what those with proficient experience with the skill actually feel needs changing or adding to?
Things like the animations, and the crafting aspect are the only things I think really need adressing.
My personal opinion is. The actions and the result you get with each of the two handed weapons works really well.
People have complained about the bulk of Launcher bullets. Personally I've had no problems leveling Launcher, I kept in
mind that it is a devistating weapon against up to six enemys, so I would make sure to attack upwards of 5 mobs per pull.
Killing five mobs with 7 or 8 launcher bullets works very efficiently. The key thing of course is that it takes "skill"
to be able to pull that number of mobs, and keep them agro'd. It's almost like an "elite" skill, one that actually requires
some brains, and more then button bashing.
The need that someone be able to dig the mats to craft their own bullets to be able to level the skill, means it is pretty time
consuming, and requires a player to do alot more then shoot the gun.
I'm kind of, of the impression, that there isn't anything wrong with the skills themselves, and perhaps the key thing
that GF would try to tackle is the accessiblilty of the skills, especially to low level players, and the casual player.
Off the top of my head, perhaps one solution would be to sell max damage bullets on the merchants. I don't think this would take
take anything away from the skill, and no special mats were ever needed to be able to craft max damage bullets. It would erradicate
the need to level the craft and forage skills.
So Accessibility. In my opinion, is the thing to look at. Please don't look at dumbing down, or changing the stanzas or the way the
guns work or the effect they have.
What suggestions can people add please? (before they mess it all up )
Player Suggestions/ fix requests:
Stop Re-centering Camera after each shot!
Introduce Animations
Make Bow and rifle ammo exclusive to their skill types.
Crafting stats - make use of those stats that currently have no effect, or remove given stats.
Fix the OP launcher , autolaunchers. currently no AoE , or Ricochet effect working, rendering the guns useless.
Make one handed guns dual weild.