Z Axis - i am really sad
Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 4:32 pm
First of all, sorry for my grammer mistakes...(english isnt my mother lang.) u ll probably understand my point at the end.
(Intro - you can pass)
Anyways, I know the game has no Z axis, i mean no jumping no falling, no flying mobs(javings, izams, and all others are walking with their wings)... I really searched for jumping and falling when i first entered the beautiful world of RYZOM. BECOUSE i wanted to see the world from above.i wanted to jump from a hill. i still want it...
I know the company had problems and a new company is on board. Well, i wont say i will quit this game becouse SOMEHOW ryzzom has a sparkle, a sparkle which i beleive something can change someday. Ofcourse this is only a hope. From the first minute i didnt felt as a customer of this game, i cant explain this. I wana say, i also dont want a "customer - company" relation in this game.
(my point)
"Why should i play 2D game?"one of my firends asked me this morning when i was telling him There is a great game called ryzom, unique style, has lots of variations...i just couldnt answered his one simple question at the end after my advertizing.
Some will probably say, it is not realistic to see people like being frogs. going anywhere by jumping, but come on isnt this game a scientific/fantasy game?
I watched a lot of vidios, trials of ryzom and i really lost myself in huge details such as characters, mobs behaves. But why there isnt Z Axis? i cant explain this to any of my friend who i tried and will try... It is a vital action for nowadays games, every other game or everyother developing game adds this to their worlds.
My question
can the new company somehow add this to our world? with an expansion packs or something..i dontknow..
(Intro - you can pass)
Anyways, I know the game has no Z axis, i mean no jumping no falling, no flying mobs(javings, izams, and all others are walking with their wings)... I really searched for jumping and falling when i first entered the beautiful world of RYZOM. BECOUSE i wanted to see the world from above.i wanted to jump from a hill. i still want it...

I know the company had problems and a new company is on board. Well, i wont say i will quit this game becouse SOMEHOW ryzzom has a sparkle, a sparkle which i beleive something can change someday. Ofcourse this is only a hope. From the first minute i didnt felt as a customer of this game, i cant explain this. I wana say, i also dont want a "customer - company" relation in this game.
(my point)
"Why should i play 2D game?"one of my firends asked me this morning when i was telling him There is a great game called ryzom, unique style, has lots of variations...i just couldnt answered his one simple question at the end after my advertizing.
Some will probably say, it is not realistic to see people like being frogs. going anywhere by jumping, but come on isnt this game a scientific/fantasy game?
I watched a lot of vidios, trials of ryzom and i really lost myself in huge details such as characters, mobs behaves. But why there isnt Z Axis? i cant explain this to any of my friend who i tried and will try... It is a vital action for nowadays games, every other game or everyother developing game adds this to their worlds.
My question
can the new company somehow add this to our world? with an expansion packs or something..i dontknow..