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Z Axis - i am really sad

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 4:32 pm
by valithan
First of all, sorry for my grammer mistakes...(english isnt my mother lang.) u ll probably understand my point at the end.

(Intro - you can pass)
Anyways, I know the game has no Z axis, i mean no jumping no falling, no flying mobs(javings, izams, and all others are walking with their wings)... I really searched for jumping and falling when i first entered the beautiful world of RYZOM. BECOUSE i wanted to see the world from above.i wanted to jump from a hill. i still want it... :(

I know the company had problems and a new company is on board. Well, i wont say i will quit this game becouse SOMEHOW ryzzom has a sparkle, a sparkle which i beleive something can change someday. Ofcourse this is only a hope. From the first minute i didnt felt as a customer of this game, i cant explain this. I wana say, i also dont want a "customer - company" relation in this game.

(my point)

"Why should i play 2D game?"one of my firends asked me this morning when i was telling him There is a great game called ryzom, unique style, has lots of variations...i just couldnt answered his one simple question at the end after my advertizing.

Some will probably say, it is not realistic to see people like being frogs. going anywhere by jumping, but come on isnt this game a scientific/fantasy game?

I watched a lot of vidios, trials of ryzom and i really lost myself in huge details such as characters, mobs behaves. But why there isnt Z Axis? i cant explain this to any of my friend who i tried and will try... It is a vital action for nowadays games, every other game or everyother developing game adds this to their worlds.

My question
can the new company somehow add this to our world? with an expansion packs or something..i dontknow..

Re: Z Axis - i am really sad

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 5:13 pm
by katriell
...Do you realize how strange it sounds for someone to think the lack of jumping is a serious problem?

The game's graphics are beautiful. The animal AI is amazing. There are a bunch of interesting and unique systems.

And there's someone in the world who wouldn't play it because it has no jump?


Re: Z Axis - i am really sad

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 5:17 pm
by sprite
"This game sucks! It has no jump button!"

#1 quote when my flatmates try new games :rolleyes:

Re: Z Axis - i am really sad

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 6:11 pm
by tr808
Gameforge actually commented on this, they said it would take a year to implend and thought there where more important issues at hand... i cant disagree with them :)

Re: Z Axis - i am really sad

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 6:43 pm
by acridiel
ATM, I´m playing a bit of the "Game that should not be mentioned" again... Yes, yes... spare me the lecture ;) :p

But what I´m aming at is as follows. Appart from the "flying Mounts" and "transportation" there´s the same as here (Home/Ryzom) with the Mobs.
Bats "walk" with their wings and whatever...

So, I see absolutely no problem with "having no Z axxis" and If you´d be so kind and show me a Game where it truly is that enemy "Birds" can swoop down upon you from way up high, then I´d be glad to try this too :)

And Mokdarion is right, adding this is certainly not highest priority.
And appart from that Ryzom WILL live on, without Kangaroos and "real" Dance emotes :p

Ah, and why you should play a "2D-Game", despite this lack,... Well, it´s a great Game ;)
As yourself, "Do I realy need to fly/jump to enjoy a game"?


Edit: Okay, EvE is pure flight, of course. But it´s a different Genre entirely and you don´t need to jump in a Ship, don´t you? :D

Re: Z Axis - i am really sad

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 7:13 pm
by rushin
i never understood what people would do if they could jump? apart from look like idiots bouncing around everywhere ;) Sooo, enlighten me how the game would be better please (not directed specifically at valithan)

to clarify slightly, getting off/on the peers in tryker towns would be useful but it doesnt need to be by jumping, just a climbable slope would be fine.

Re: Z Axis - i am really sad

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 7:52 pm
by d29565
Why do we need to jump?

You know what, I always wanted some people to jump off the cliffs that seem to lead into nothing but clouds. Go ahead and give us that jump thing after all.

Re: Z Axis - i am really sad

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 8:43 pm
by beaut666
I think we have to admit that the ability to jump would not be shunned by any of us...we all wouldn't mind having it around.
Think about it...that annoying dock in Fairhaven...that's RIGHT by the shore..the one that if you could only JUMP like 3 feet u wouldn't have to run around the way just to get
But is it a huge handicap? Not at all. This game wasn't engineered with jumping in mind, kind of like other games that did not allow you to simply FLY up on top of a mountain until now...same thing. It takes a while to implement it.
There are quite a few things that I would like to see implemented, small things like jumping, but it does not detract from the game at all for me. Every game has things that should be added.


Re: Z Axis - i am really sad

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 2:47 am
by motan
The original poster has a point, there may be small or large things that can make or break the fun for us in a game. For instance, I never even tried the unmentionalbe (read WoW) game because I hated the graphics.

No game has all the features we want... I badly miss the house decoration feature I had in SWG. Anyway, what matters is: can the good parts of the game compensate for the bad ones?

Re: Z Axis - i am really sad

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 4:25 am
by sehracii
I would approve of a jump feature if it *only* activated where there was an obstacle worth jumping for. Like off the docks in Fairhaven or over the fences in Yrkanis.

I would hate to see people jumping around like frogs for no reason.

That being said, I know the game wasn't built for it and it would take a tremendous amount of work to bring it in. There are additions that could make a more widespread effect on gameplay with less dev time that are more worth the effort.