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Erm... distressing?
Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 2:37 am
by bluefve
I recall, back in December, it was stated on the forums that negotiations regarding Gameforge renewing the contract with Jolt was to happen in mid-January. Well, tis mid-almost end of the month, and I've noticed some [possibly distressing] changes.
First off, the servers were moved to Germany. Jolt is located in the UK. Was their hosting contract lost?
And a rather.... alarming message from Tiding in the Saga subforum. Is Tidings just leaving? Or are events as a whole?
Jolt CSRs still seem ingame and in klients.... but, are they staying?
Re: Erm... distressing?
Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 3:21 am
by d29565
And the 20 upcoming threads start.
I love change, I hate loss.
Re: Erm... distressing?
Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 3:55 am
by 901941
I would like to see official news about The CSR Team, and Tidings post, to let us know what is going on. And also an official message from Gamforge about what we should be expecting in the next few months. The game may still be open but what is there for us now that these new changes are taking place? I've seen lots of little things get fix and some really nice changes but still the ring is not working properly, the storyline seems to be in state of numbness, and nothing has been said to cover any of these topics.
Re: Erm... distressing?
Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 4:16 am
by tr808
I really want to know whats going on, one of the reasons i even started playing this game was the great help i recieved from Zerlin while i was on a free trial
Re: Erm... distressing?
Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 6:44 am
by aardnebb
If Jolt/Events/CSRs have been lost, that would be a mistake. Like... SWG revamp was a mistake.
I suggest to Gameforge that if this mistake has been made, they unmake it quick
Re: Erm... distressing?
Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 6:48 am
by vurumai
Distressing - I think not ....
The server move from the UK to Germany was sucessfully completed in 6 hours.
This speaks volumes of the technical competence of the GF team.
From my perspective - GF are dealing with the big issues - ie infrastructure - first.
Nice work !!!
Re: Erm... distressing?
Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 7:26 am
by mithur
vurumai wrote:Distressing - I think not ....
The server move from the UK to Germany was sucessfully completed in 6 hours.
This speaks volumes of the technical competence of the GF team.
From my perspective - GF are dealing with the big issues - ie infrastructure - first.
Nice work !!!
On that point, I only can say "chapeaú". Make this movement only in six hour is very good.
The bad point for me is that my excelent ping has gone a little worse. Fron 100 to 200-250. But that's my particular issue.
I think that what GF is dealing first is with the costs, witch isn't so bad. They have infraestructure for maintain the game; hasn't any sense they were paying Jolt for that. This game doesn't give so much money, so they have to cut cost. I think this is good; if they cut the cost and make it affordable, the game will last longer.
What is a little disturbing for me is this point:
News wrote:On Monday, January the 29th, the live shards will be closed from 8 am to 2 pm GMT for a server maintenance, bringing technical improvements to the game in order to better manage larger numbers of players.
Most of these changes have no visible impact on the game but they are necessary for the smooth running of Ryzom.
On top of the server improvements, we are also working on upgrading the installation and patching processes in order to allow to download a light version of Ryzom containing only the data necessary to play in the Ruins of Silan and to download the rest of the game at a later time. There will be more news on this subject when it's ready for release.
News wrote:Today monday the 29th, we have moved Ryzom to new faster servers. They are now located in a datacenter in Frankfurt, Germany.
C'mon, boys, you could have said that one of the technical improvemens was change the servers to other at 2.000 Km. About the openness, and all of that.
In the other hand, as vurumai has said, this migration speaks volumes of your tech capability.
Re: Erm... distressing?
Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 7:32 am
by jamela
Agreed. Remember the barrage of complaints over Christmas when there were problems? Now, this month, GameForge is and has been acting to bring Ryzom under its wings. We have to give them a chance to see what they can do, and not give the new guys a hard time just because they are new
aardnebb wrote:... Like ... SWG revamp was a mistake.
That's awfully dramatic, Z, but I am very worried too, because we did have the best support ever and that help was a big draw for lots of triallers to subscribe. The Jolt CSR team is the toughest act for anyone to follow, and I hope they don't go.
Re: Erm... distressing?
Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 7:52 am
by ashling
jamela wrote:That's awfully dramatic, Z, but I am very worried too, because we did have the best support ever and that help was a big draw for lots of triallers to subscribe. The Jolt CSR team is the toughest act for anyone to follow, and I hope they don't go.
I'm hoping they don't too. They are by far the best CSR I've ever delt with in an MMO.
Re: Erm... distressing?
Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 8:44 am
by ajsuk
c'mon, half the shard knows by now...
The way this has aparently been handled is far from a mistake, its the pits!
Ticking off 90% of the playerbase and on Jayce's birthday!! Damn y'all!