After some time though, Endasil managed to gather almost all homins in one spot for a for a more organized warfare. This, in my own opinion, worked so much better...
The point of this post? Lets make it work better every time.
How? Well, my suggestion can be seen in the title of this post... I say we elect an "emperor/empress" of Matis. The "emperors/empress´s" function should be simple and only have real significance in times of war. Once elected he/she should make himself a council of say, ten homins. Together with the council he/she can discuss strategies of defence and apoint generals (people who knows the deal when the kitins arrive)...
So far this is an idea that makes it easy for everyone to know whom to listen to when the invasion comes. If the emperor/empress is not online, well, listen to the one next in command.
However, this could provide some roleplaying-aspects as well. Lets say there is an election every three months. Between these elections all homins may do things to gain a better position in the next one. What to do? Whatever you can do to rise to the throne of course.

A good idea? I spoke with some "key-figures" from the defending force and they seemed to like it. I think that if we do this the right way, we will have the most well-organized community ever. What do you think?
Please post some comments here, and if you will, possible candidates for the throne.
And for the record, this is not anything Im suggesting because I want to be an emperor... I have no interest in that kind of power.