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OK, What's With the Dang Boots Already

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 2:51 am
by jared96
As I near the end of HA crafting skills with just a few more levels to gain, I gotta ask:

What's with the Danged Boots Already ?

Just today I made three sets of HA.....results as follows:

230 Excellent HQ Zora:
1/1 Helmet
1/1 Vest
1/1 Pants
1/1 Sleeves
1/1 Gloves
1/5 Boots

250 Supreme HQ Fyros:
1/1 Helmet
1/1 Vest
1/2 Pants
1/1 Sleeves
1/1 Gloves
1/4 Boots

220 Excellent Fyros:
1/2 Helmet
1/1 Vest
1/1 Pants
1/1 Sleeves
1/1 Gloves
1/3 Boots

The success rate on boots has always seemed to be lower than the others and I chalked it off to just selective memory from grinding 10 levels at a time in each skill tree. It also seemd that whenever I made sets, that boots had greater failure rates but thought I must be imagining things.

But now that I stopped grinding and just making sets, it seems more and more apparent that I oughta bring this boots crafting plan back in for a refund.

Did other HA crafters see this ? Is it always boots ? Does this curse hit LA / MA / Jewel Crafters too ?

Note that all skills are over 244, boots is my second highest skill next to helmets (250)....main reason being that I make so many *&%#@&% boots that I just get a lot more XP in that tree.

Re: OK, What's With the Dang Boots Already

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 3:02 am
by mikkko
I have had same kind of experiences with light armor boots.

Maybe it's just bad luck what happens with boots everytime but it certainly starts to feel like boots are cursed or something :D

Re: OK, What's With the Dang Boots Already

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 4:29 am
by jamela
It's because noone can remember which way to thread the laces properly and end up tying everything in knots rethreading again and again and again.

Re: OK, What's With the Dang Boots Already

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 2:04 pm
by magick1
jamela wrote:It's because noone can remember which way to thread the laces properly and end up tying everything in knots rethreading again and again and again.
Haha, so true. And even worse with Zorai armour and their use of long strands of fiber in everything. ;)