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Outpost Materials, Consumables and ... Tribes
Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2006 8:21 am
by jamela
In the Wish List thread, Keiko touched on something I have been thinking of, and may already have been argued over before:
d29565 Keiko wrote:Outpost Materials-There should be another way for people to gain outpost material, the actual material and not the cats or flowers. I think those two things are mostly useless. But, honestly, unless Outposts are made less PvP, then there needs to be another way to acquire the materials.
I'd like to suggest that the currently so-called "Outpost" Materials (maga creeper, tekorn bramble, et al, not the experience catalysts), and the consumables (flowers, not catalysts), be removed from the outposts altogether. I'd like to see catalysts gone too, but that's another matter
Almost all the arguing over the outposts has been focused on the catalysts, hardly ever the outpost materials, if at all. The rate that catalysts are churned up seems appropriate for the enormous bores and trepans required, and maybe an appropriate reward for the outposts as they have been implemented. Fair enough.
The special materials are different, delicate, and seem to be far more appropriate to special local knowledge, such as I'd expect the Tribes to possess. I think the Tribes have remained unchanged since launch, yet they were a major feature in the lore.
Why not make the Tribes the suppliers of the flowers and the raw materials (armilo, rubbarn, maga, cheng, tekorn, vedice, greslin, egiros), as payment for rather complicated tasks involving wide travel across Atys,
especially into areas hostile to any particular tribe (making them also difficult for factioned players)? Allow neutrals this black market to exploit, trading between opposing Tribes and Factions for flowers and for raw materials that maybe then must be modified or purified at the Temples or Sanctuaries.
[size=-2]Edited for emphasis and again for clarification[/size]
Re: Outpost Materials, Consumables and ... Tribes
Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2006 8:32 am
by moyaku
Sounds like a plan. The only problem is that I believe that OP Mats were only exctractable from OPs because they come from the depth of Atys, so are most likely undiggable without a excavator/drill... Your idea is good but maybe it would need new mats to work... Or Tribes would need drills...
Re: Outpost Materials, Consumables and ... Tribes
Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2006 8:47 am
by jamela
Flowers? Lichen, creeper, bramble? Why must these come from the depths? Nexii and catalysts, sure, but not the rest.
And have you seen how deep the drill bits go?
Re: Outpost Materials, Consumables and ... Tribes
Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2006 4:53 pm
by acridiel
moyaku wrote:Sounds like a plan. The only problem is that I believe that OP Mats were only exctractable from OPs because they come from the depth of Atys, so are most likely undiggable without a excavator/drill... Your idea is good but maybe it would need new mats to work... Or Tribes would need drills...
Hmhm, well.... nice idea. So instead of us, the tribes would grow our "weed" and we could bargain for it, or get it as Mission rewards.
"Yo Homin, need some good Flowers to boost your Strentgh?
Go to them Gooheads and bring `em the head of the Disco-King, they´l deal you the best Stuff." *gg*
Kidding a bit, but the Idea is very good indeed
Re: Outpost Materials, Consumables and ... Tribes
Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 1:21 am
by great83
i see the OP rewards (mats, crystals and flowers) as the only reward system in the game for PvPers for the time being. it is not a perfect system but it is the only one in place atm. truly in my eyes you dont need a OP weapon or amp or any boosted crafted item outside of PvP. the cats are different thou and should be removed from the game. just what i am getting at is that there shouldnt be a system implemented in the game for non pvpers to achive the same rewards as those that PvP.
Re: Outpost Materials, Consumables and ... Tribes
Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 1:38 am
by kattak
great83 wrote:i see the OP rewards (mats, crystals and flowers) as the only reward system in the game for PvPers for the time being. it is not a perfect system but it is the only one in place atm. truly in my eyes you dont need a OP weapon or amp or any boosted crafted item outside of PvP. the cats are different thou and should be removed from the game. just what i am getting at is that there shouldnt be a system implemented in the game for non pvpers to achive the same rewards as those that PvP.
I find this laughable, but can see it is spoken by a true PVPer that thinks that is all there is to any game.
I suppose you wear focus boosted jewelry and armor into battle, and fight with your OP pick.
Why must there be any special reward for those that PVP? Especially in a game were the non-PVPer's seem to highly outnumber the PVPer's.
The OP (original poster) came up with a terrific idea, and I for one would love to see something like this implemented. I would even go so far with it as to make sure that the rarer materials require completely a mission that would take a concerted effort of several guild members (team mission with objectives with time limits that would make them impossible to complete alone)
Terrific Idea Jamela 2 Big Thumbs UP
Re: Outpost Materials, Consumables and ... Tribes
Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 2:07 am
by darkcred
I find the anti-pvp mood incredibly laughable.....but onto the point. I think the OP made a VERY good suggestion, were I in control(which obviously I am not) I would definately balance the pvp rewards, but I use the tribes (like the OP suggested) to give these very same benefits to the non-pvpers, and balance it as such that a guild with an OP only gains so much in such time that questers would be able to match the reward aquisition of the PvPers.
Re: Outpost Materials, Consumables and ... Tribes
Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 3:19 am
by xtarsia
If u make the OP mats/crystals avaliable from other sources then balancing the avaliability berween OP supply and non OP supply will become a nightmare.
(probably why this isnt currently the case)
And the added fact that every neutral/non PvPer seems to forget (that ive read so far, as posted) : PvPers (mostly) dont ONLY PvP so those with OPs will be able to Get additional OP mats from the Neutral sources anyway.
Your suggestion is nice, i like it. It would be better if they were a way to implement other ideas such as, new materials prehapsthat gave way to New textures/models for the items craft!
..and the OP's need to be Valuable. They are the driving motivation behind the PvP element. I wouldnt remove the crystals because they are a "RL" reward in a way and its those that give the main driving force.. prehaps just slash the OP output of them by 1/2 or even 3/4.
Re: Outpost Materials, Consumables and ... Tribes
Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 3:50 am
by d29565
*cries* stop picking apart my wishes! *cries harder*
(j/k- but dont pick on me for thinking of the non-pvpers)
Re: Outpost Materials, Consumables and ... Tribes
Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 5:23 am
by vguerin
jamela wrote: In the Wish List thread, Keiko touched on something I have been thinking of, and may already have been argued over before:
I'd like to suggest that the currently so-called "Outpost" Materials, and the consumables, be removed from the outposts altogether.
Doesn't your guild own an OP currently ?
How did your guild get an OP, did you complete missions with the NPC's to acquire this thing that is so valuable that you forsake it ?
I am being cynical (big shock) of course, but you are less apt to see the value in owning an OP if you did not earn it by fire. MANY of us (Melinoe included have made a non-aggression pacts during the holiday and have been attacked) have shed blood, sweat and tears to keep this honor. Do not belittle us by asking that those of us reacting to early morning (1-7 local wherever) attacks to keep our hard earned outposts, should not have an exceptional reward. We are not undeserving. I too would like to see other options (Originally OP's each had their own method of procurement, politics was one of the biggies). EVERY OP owner regardless of their method of acquisition or system of defense is deserving of something that stands out. Add something to make "some/other" outposts have a different standard of acquisition... but take nothing from those that have suffered hours waiting to defend or defending their outposts, it is a game and not everyone cares about holidays and consideration. We (outpost owners) are ALL subject to attack at any time, do not lessen that please... [/end note]