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The Latest Patch

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 11:05 pm
by d29565
For the most part, the patch has been nice.

Granted, there is still that pesky faction chat bug.
But, my biggest frustration, even after realizing how near to impossible it is to kill the NPC bosses, is that my Show Guild Hall macro and my Show Apartment macro no longer work.

I was under the impression that those two commands (can't remember them off the top of my head) were intended for game usage, as we couldn't exploit it and take things without being in that location. Yet, now I find them useless. Help?!?

Re: The Latest Patch

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 11:32 pm
by acridiel
d29565 wrote:For the most part, the patch has been nice.

Granted, there is still that pesky faction chat bug.
But, my biggest frustration, even after realizing how near to impossible it is to kill the NPC bosses, is that my Show Guild Hall macro and my Show Apartment macro no longer work.

I was under the impression that those two commands (can't remember them off the top of my head) were intended for game usage, as we couldn't exploit it and take things without being in that location. Yet, now I find them useless. Help?!?
For the "Macros" , yes those were not supposed to work like this.

And for the Boses, we just killed Sirgio and Pei with massive Homin Force.
At Lixi and Aen, we were to few to succseed.

They ARE beatable and FUN to boot.
Nice "Storytelling" from Sirgio :D
Thanks Nevrax, a nice parting gift. :)


Re: The Latest Patch

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 11:35 pm
by kayak
my guild managed to get sergio to spawn but when it came to killing sergio we were too few. it seems his regen rate is very high. compared with the exterminators how hard do you reckon they are?

Re: The Latest Patch

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 11:44 pm
by d29565
The thing with the NPC bosses, from what I understand, they drop far to little for the MASSIVE amount of homins it is supposed to take. I understand the need to stop exploits, but I also understand POINTLESS.

Re: The Latest Patch

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 11:52 pm
by aardnebb
20-25 people isnt enough, to kill them even slowly. From what I could see, they have less HP than the exterminators, but regen faster.

Just how much did they drop Acridiel? If its 30+ people for _1_ bit of armour then its gonna need a bit of rebalancing IMHO. (Now if everyone got 1 bit, that would be cool... but maybe make it too common)

Re: The Latest Patch

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 12:08 am
by seawe
hmm _a-few_ bits + lots of dappers to pass around? i think they should be extremely hard, just so greedy homins don't start sirggio farms ;p

Re: The Latest Patch

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 12:30 am
by acridiel
Each dropped 1 Item of Armor, 1 quarter of a new Marauder-ArmorCraft Plan Q200 (Sergio for example dropped a quarter of the Craftplan for Gloves) and a special Crystall, suppesedly needed for the crafting.

And yes... it seems a tad weak for the massive force it took to kill them.
Happy farming folks. ;) :p *LOL*


Re: The Latest Patch

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 12:43 am
by mikkko
acridiel wrote:Each dropped 1 Item of Armor, 1 quarter of a new Marauder-ArmorCraft Plan (Sergio for example dropped a quarter of the Craftplan for Gloves) and a special Crystall, suppesedly needed for the crafting.

This sounds really interesting. Now we only need npc bosses with light and medium armors also :D

Re: The Latest Patch

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 1:13 am
by raven41
I just watched 30 ppl try to kill one of the NPC bosses... and all I can say is... LMAO...... Took awhile to get it to pop... Then they couldn't hurt it... and THEN... He disapeared and the guards repoped...

All that and they would only get 1!!! peice of armour... For just one peep HAHAHAHA .... I will never kill these bosses... Its a waist of time to everyone but the person who gets the one peice.. and its kinda pointless for them too.. as they will probably never see another peice...

If this is what "raiding" is all about well screw this :p

Now to move on with my atys life ignoring the bosses ;)

Re: The Latest Patch

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 1:45 am
by rellis
im thinking same thing Red, spent good part of the night on the bosses, figured that sirgio would be easier as we have 25 1* bosses to kill. we laboured under the apprehension that these bosses were do-able with 25-30 people. killed the guards after a lot of organisation.

Sirgio popped, tickled and scratched him for ten mins till he disappeared and the guards pop again. My god it is tough and frankly if you need 50+ peeps so a few get rewarded thats a bit lame and pointless in the rewarding aspect but look on bright side it was great fun... :D