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I love cats

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 8:51 pm
by greymage
I'm relatively new, started in August I think, and I love cats. A few months ago there were only two newbies in my guild so I used a ton of them. Now we have a zillion people so I'm suffering withdrawal.

Despite this, I think that cats should be removed from the game. I just don't see the point of something with no value other than helping people level more quickly. I think that in general people focused on leveling tend to be the ones that get bored quickly and leave, use bots, etc.

I didn't know about cats my first few weeks on the mainland, and I enjoyed the game just as much as after I started using them. They really are crack though, they're hard to give up if they're available.

I don't really buy the Kara have more cats argument, but from a gameplay perspective they just seem weird and out of place. OP mats and flowers are great, the cats seem out of place though.

Re: I love cats

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 9:20 pm
by dakhound
if you dont like, dont use

I remember the game b4 cats, I like it more now

Re: I love cats

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 11:22 pm
by greymage
dakhound wrote:if you dont like, dont use
But I do like them, I just think they're bad.

Like fried chicken with country gravy and bacon.

Re: I love cats

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 11:36 pm
by xzizoux
greymage wrote:Like fried chicken with country gravy and bacon.

now u made me hungry :D :D :D

Re: I love cats

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 6:02 am
by katriell
"Cats" make the leveling-focused people leave faster, while giving the people who dislike grinding the ability to gain levels in half the time - i.e., wasting half less time.

Re: I love cats

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 8:17 am
by mithur
I've always think that this is a game friendly for those who haven't much time to play, trying to make the things easier for them.

The cats are a sort of equalizer. I can only connect to play five or six hours/week, because my job, my girlfriend (And my love to go out by nigth lol), so I only waste a little quantity of cats per week, but my advance is almost twice faster. This is, in four months, 90 levels in melee.

If I haven't these, my advance could be very, very slow, not in terms of hours of game, but ihn term of RL weeks. Ok, that could be ver specific to me, but while I spend very little cats per week to my guild, allowme to maintain an advance rate acceptable to me.

The people who plays 10h/day, obviously, haven't accesto to so much cats, so the most of their advancedo in simple mode. But, at the end of the month, they are where I am in four.

This is just a way to say that the cats help much more the people who can't connect a lot, and, as far as I know, is a good think.

PS: BTW, you only see the cats are bad when you are short from them? xD Amusing...

Re: I love cats

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 8:22 am
by moyaku

I don't like them so I just don't use them...

Re: I love cats

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 8:44 am
by ffxjosh
Cats just help (the fortunate homins?) take the edge off the (what is, prehaps, a huge) Grind.

Theres more to life than drugs that make everything fly by. ;)

Re: I love cats

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 9:23 am
by iphdrunk
mithur wrote:The cats are a sort of equalizer.
I am not sure I agree with this. I do think that for casual players they reduce the time needed to fulfill a given goal, but equalize? with regard to what? I would guess that other players have access to them, probably more than casual players. I tend to think that cats do not act as a "means to equalize the levelling rate between casual and non-casual players". Slightly? yes. Notably? I personally don't think so, imho.

You state that hardcore players do not have access to as many cats as needed, good point. It is hard to tell, but depends. If you assume that the casual player can use cats 100% of his actions and hardcore player can use 50%, with casual playing half the time, then the delta is smoothed. But is this true in general?

In normal conditions:
I play 5h / week and get 10 levels. With cats (for simplicity purposes) 20 levels.
You play 10h / week and get 20 levels. With cats, 40... without 100% maybe 30

Re: I love cats

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 10:02 am
by mithur
Not only, of course, but is one of the functions I think they do. An important function (For casual players*, at least).

A intensive player con't allow to take 3000 cats a day, so they use a few, and the rest advance in normal mode. A low rate player can use 500 cats in a week, and 6 hours at week are like 12. It's not much, but is something.

I think it could be good, as a grinding game is this, that you gain som exp only by time. Something that if you log in at least once at a week, once in a week you gain one level in something. Not much useful for intensive players, but very useful for low rate players. But this is only ideas, of course.
* I really don't like "casual". I'm not casual, I'm very involved. But my life prevents me to play much hours. Sollet's call it low rate players, or something like that.