Newb with some new (I think) questions...
Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 6:12 pm
Hi all. I heard about this game from my sis & bro-in-law but they just started the free trial themselves, so if anyone could answer the following that would be cool. This will most likely be a loooong post, so thanks in advance if you make it all the way through, heh.
First, some info on my gaming experience: I've been playing MMO's forever - Total Annihilation:Kingdoms, EQ, EQ2, Lineage 2, City of Heroes, Guild Wars, DDO, and WoW to name a few...I'm sure I missed a couple! I have Beta tested a few of those as well. I prefer to solo as much content as possible because pugs don't always have great results. But, I also really enjoy well constructed groups and even full scale raid content when everyone involved knows what they should do and does their job(s) well. I am currently playing WoW, but have gotten to the max level with my main and finding it hard to find a guild that raids a few times a week, but doesn't make it mandatory. So, me, my sis, and bro are exploring other games.
Ok, now onto SoR and my comments / questions:
1. From what I gather on the games main page and these forums, it seems that there are no set "classes" and anyone can be anything/everything. I like this idea a lot, but wonder how that works as far as finding a group and figuring out who will do what? Or, does this not even matter?
2. What happens when your toon dies? Are there any penalties? Does it take a long time for "corpse recovery? Are there any costs to repair equipment? Any info on this would be helpful.
3. It sounds like there is no actual "level" system, other than for each skill individually. Maxing out a certain skill "branch" can open up other branches from within that category, allowing for more diversity and specialization. Am I correct in this assessment? Anything that can be added to further explain this would be appreciated. (IE. what exactly does everyone work towards besides maxing out skills?)
4. Are there any bonuses/penalties/starting-stats for each race other than factional alignment? Or, is your race choice merely for looks/role playing only? Is any race better at gathering resources/crafting/fighting/magic/etc.?
5. Very IMPORTANT... How customizable is the UI if at all? Is it possible to resize/customize the existing windows (ie. delete borders of frames, shrink a window to have more screen space, make the compass bigger to see more area, etc.?) Can you have more than one Hot Bar open at once, or do you have to scroll through "pages" on the one bar? Can you move the windows and lock them anywhere? Are there any custom set-ups that you can download/install to change the overall appearance? Lots of questions here, please answer as many as possible.
6. What is the economy like? Can you earn enough early on to buy/make decent weapons/armor or do you have to grind and save up for a while to improve equipment? Is there a method (auction/consignment system) to sell your stuff to other players? Do long-time players find they have tons of money and nothing to do with it?
7. Are there emotes that you can do (/salute, /wave, /dance, etc.) and are there any animations or sounds to any/all of them?
8. Are there any mobs that require more than a full group (Raid) to conquer?
Well, I could probably think of tons more but this is already getting long-winded. I downloaded the game this morning and will install & try it tonight. By then I will either answer some of those myself and/or have more to ask tomorrow, lol.
*Edited for some color*
First, some info on my gaming experience: I've been playing MMO's forever - Total Annihilation:Kingdoms, EQ, EQ2, Lineage 2, City of Heroes, Guild Wars, DDO, and WoW to name a few...I'm sure I missed a couple! I have Beta tested a few of those as well. I prefer to solo as much content as possible because pugs don't always have great results. But, I also really enjoy well constructed groups and even full scale raid content when everyone involved knows what they should do and does their job(s) well. I am currently playing WoW, but have gotten to the max level with my main and finding it hard to find a guild that raids a few times a week, but doesn't make it mandatory. So, me, my sis, and bro are exploring other games.
Ok, now onto SoR and my comments / questions:
1. From what I gather on the games main page and these forums, it seems that there are no set "classes" and anyone can be anything/everything. I like this idea a lot, but wonder how that works as far as finding a group and figuring out who will do what? Or, does this not even matter?
2. What happens when your toon dies? Are there any penalties? Does it take a long time for "corpse recovery? Are there any costs to repair equipment? Any info on this would be helpful.
3. It sounds like there is no actual "level" system, other than for each skill individually. Maxing out a certain skill "branch" can open up other branches from within that category, allowing for more diversity and specialization. Am I correct in this assessment? Anything that can be added to further explain this would be appreciated. (IE. what exactly does everyone work towards besides maxing out skills?)
4. Are there any bonuses/penalties/starting-stats for each race other than factional alignment? Or, is your race choice merely for looks/role playing only? Is any race better at gathering resources/crafting/fighting/magic/etc.?
5. Very IMPORTANT... How customizable is the UI if at all? Is it possible to resize/customize the existing windows (ie. delete borders of frames, shrink a window to have more screen space, make the compass bigger to see more area, etc.?) Can you have more than one Hot Bar open at once, or do you have to scroll through "pages" on the one bar? Can you move the windows and lock them anywhere? Are there any custom set-ups that you can download/install to change the overall appearance? Lots of questions here, please answer as many as possible.
6. What is the economy like? Can you earn enough early on to buy/make decent weapons/armor or do you have to grind and save up for a while to improve equipment? Is there a method (auction/consignment system) to sell your stuff to other players? Do long-time players find they have tons of money and nothing to do with it?
7. Are there emotes that you can do (/salute, /wave, /dance, etc.) and are there any animations or sounds to any/all of them?
8. Are there any mobs that require more than a full group (Raid) to conquer?
Well, I could probably think of tons more but this is already getting long-winded. I downloaded the game this morning and will install & try it tonight. By then I will either answer some of those myself and/or have more to ask tomorrow, lol.
*Edited for some color*