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Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2004 10:01 pm
by cerest
The previously dormant and quasi-legendary kitins streamed out of the Roots today, sacking Davae, Avalae, and Natae, and even hitting the city of Yrkanis. Bold Matis warriors defended their homelands with zeal, crushing thousands of vile kitin under their boots. The kitins were beaten today, but the threat is not yet ended. They will return...
Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2004 11:22 pm
by fellgrim
In defeat, the Kitins took the server down with them to Hell...

Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2004 11:23 pm
by evalisa
was good fun
Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2004 11:27 pm
by Cilar
anyone took screens ?

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2004 9:52 am
by tleilaxu
Cilar wrote:anyone took screens ?
Yes the Minyatur took down Rey & two princes, one at Davae, the other at Avalae.
A fitting accomplishment to a very eventful day which saw us buy a Guild Hall in the capital city of Yrkanis and go on an absolutely incredible field trip. Visit the
Minyatur website to see screenshots of today's invasion and other events which we have had.
Here's one of the Kitin Princes taking a dirtnap courtesy of Minyatur:
To all our brethren across Atys we stand ready to lend our arms in your defence. Merely say the word and our brave fighters will be there to aid you in repelling the merciless hordes.

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2004 11:22 am
by fratt37
The Raid was really fun.
The onset and chatter on the Region chat was actually kind of scary.
Like, "where are all the townspeople? the GreenSeed has vanished! Matis Defenders are everywhere!"
"wth are all theese Kippee's--AHH they're attacking!!"
Then it was ON!!
I must say I have never seen an ENTIRE zone of players ALL come together in merely a few minutes, and begin tracking the "bosses" of the invasion.
I got killed a couple times watching the region chat, and how people were planning. I specifically remember Gfunk, organizing, and really keeping everyone in large groups, through strategic spawning for the fallen, and just great communication letting people know where everything was going on.
Great fun, I wil be more skilled by the next one, and more organized myself.
btw I should mention to those who didn't witness the raid, the allusion to the Kitin resembling the "BUGS" in Starship Troopers is very accurate, and the raid reminded me of the movie, alot! Kitin are more crustacean than insect.whatever.
From a technical standpoint, he raid was very smooth, and performance during the event barely changed for me.
Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2004 1:14 pm
by grimnoir
This was a really well accomplished event, and I must give my compliments to the event staff and game developers alike.
Because of participating in this event, I now have an affirmed faith in the game structure's ability to handle large, localized, server populations (NPC and PC alike). and remain fairly lagless while supporting large scale battles. There were times during the event when I must have had around 40 - 50 characters IN VIEW , and I could still run and fight. I endured no character or NPC "popping," nor were there any extended periods of character killing lag.
For an MMO just fresh from release, this is encouraging.
Also, I was impressed with the game engine's ability to seemlessly make a large section of the NPC populace vanish, a huge population of creatures appear, and to suspend the "death penalty" all in one invisible stroke. This is a team that has command of their code. Well done.
Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2004 8:52 pm
by ryjak
Would be nice if the events in game would take into consideration
some of the Paying customers actually have a JOB and work during
daytime or afternoon hours. The first invasion of kitins should have been a SUNDAY event
Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2004 9:09 pm
by s0lice
ryjak wrote:Would be nice if the events in game would take into consideration
some of the Paying customers actually have a JOB and work during
daytime or afternoon hours. The first invasion of kitins should have been a SUNDAY event
Unfortunatly, events will always leave someone out.
This server is for all time zones in north america, and no matter what the events team does, someone will be left out.
Dont worry... Im sure there will be more events with varied times
Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2004 2:14 pm
by korin77
Unfortunately as a side effect of the event, it made all the mekloubs that were not stabled in Trykerland into NPC mobs. We trykers suffered through 24 hours of not being able to get at our packs til it was fixed. All those server reboots were attempts to fix the problem. I hope in the future they will make sure something like that won't happen again when they create a big event like this.
Thanks to the gms and Cerest's prompt actions, the problem was fixed within a day. I have dealt with customer support in other games, and I have to say that Ryzom has had the best in all the games I've played so far. Keep up the good work.