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To all PvPers

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2006 9:45 pm
by tigrus
Great fighting in void today by the karavan.
Next. Dyron.

THe last few days, pvp has been great.
Props to all who participated ;)

Oh and from The Tiger and Jackoba association:
All carebears.

UP ***** :)

Re: To all PvPers

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 12:07 am
by bluefve
Hey hey hey! No need to get up all rude :P

Re: To all PvPers

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 8:48 am
by philu
tigrus wrote:Next. Dyron.
Deep joy. Take your PvP somewhere else please. :rolleyes:

Re: To all PvPers

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 11:51 am
by mugendo
tigrus wrote: Oh and from The Tiger and Jackoba association:
All carebears.

UP ***** :)
Welll I see the PvP stereotype player image survives here in Ryzom. Need I add I am more dissapointed than surprised ?.

Re: To all PvPers

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 12:36 pm
by norvic
tigrus wrote:Oh and from The Tiger and Jackoba association:
All carebears.

UP ***** :)
Alot of people enjoy PvP and more may be tempted to take part if it was'nt for associated trashtalking type rubbish like this which gives PvP and PvPers a bad name and gets them all labelled loudmouthed gankers.

You want to PvP then fine and I am with you in finding tagged players who moan when killed hard to understand, but why not keep the PvP in game and leave out the namecalling and forum gloating altogether

Re: To all PvPers

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 1:08 pm
by zanthar
norvic wrote:Alot of people enjoy PvP and more may be tempted to take part if it was'nt for associated trashtalking type rubbish like this which gives PvP and PvPers a bad name and gets them all labelled loudmouthed gankers.

You want to PvP then fine and I am with you in finding tagged players who moan when killed hard to understand, but why not keep the PvP in game and leave out the namecalling and forum gloating altogether
QFE and IIRC Tigrus you once talked about being honorable while being a PVPer right? Well I and many others don't consider trashtalking and name calling to be very honorable in any form.

Re: To all PvPers

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 5:54 pm
by dakhound
aye keep the trashtalk to a minimum.

ppl who dont like pvp have a right not to have to their style too

Re: To all PvPers

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 7:34 pm
by d29565
What do you mean by Carebears?

Also, it's trash talk like that:
Oh and from The Tiger and Jackoba association:
All carebears.

UP *****
That keeps me from playing on Arispotle.

Re: To all PvPers

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 8:45 pm
by grimjim
tigrus wrote:Oh and from The Tiger and Jackoba association:
All carebears.

UP ***** :)
If you would you be so good as to indulge me, please fornicate in a direction antipodal to the location that I currently occupy.

In addition, should you return, you may proceed to fornicate, forthwith, in the same direction reciprocally.

Re: To all PvPers

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 9:01 pm
by tigrus
I find it funny that people say i trash talk.
I said Carebears up ***. thats it :P

I havent been name calling have i? Please be correct if you say im trash talking :) Carebears up ***** aint trash talk imho.