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I've gone and done it...

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 9:52 am
by raynes
It has become increasingly clear that Guardians of the Lost wasn't a real good fit for me. They are a great guild and helped me get off my feet. Zorvax helped me get back into the game and I thank him for that.

However my true desire is to return to being the Kami Extremist I once was. The game was more fun for me then. Sure I angered a lot of players, but a lot of players got into the spirit with me. I didn't care that my Matis or Tryker faction was horrible. I didn't care about upsetting someone cause I killed them while harvesting in the roots. Heck I remember rp'ing me murdering one of the leaders of a major Karavan guild (with their help of course). I want and need that type of excitement in the game again. So a new guild has been formed:

True Kami Revolutionists

I don't know how long this guild will take to grow. Nor do I know if it will ever become any sort of powerful force in the game. Heck I could be the only member, and I will be fine with that. What I do know is that I or anyone who is in my guild will NEVER have to apologize for killing a neutral or a Karavan follower. They will NEVER have to apologize for roleplaying. They will never have to apologize for not rezzing a member of the Karavan. They will never have to apologize for playing the game as it was designed.

Enough of the kumbaya garbage. Time to shake things up! Let the real games begin!

Re: I've gone and done it...

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 12:07 pm
by ruhen
... Glad I'm Kami :D
Go Raynes, and have tons of fun with it ;)

Re: I've gone and done it...

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 12:42 pm
by martl
Humm the last Kami extremist i knew recently turned Kara rofl.....

Re: I've gone and done it...

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 12:49 pm
by wardone
martl wrote:Humm the last Kami extremist i knew recently turned Kara rofl.....

lol good point :D

Re: I've gone and done it...

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 2:02 pm
by karmelit
I'd say extremists make the best turnovers, as they will always be passionate about their beliefs - one way or the other ;)
Harder to make an indifferent char turn

Re: I've gone and done it...

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 3:04 pm
by arfindel
For me extremists (mainly in facts, in words is more debatable) is just a label, neither kami nor kara. Just a faction who believes everything that game mechanics allows is permitted.

Pitty this same game mechanics doesn't provide them a special flag ,)

Re: I've gone and done it...

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 3:36 pm
by tigrus
Hey Raynes. You are more then welcome to send LittleTiger a tell if you ever want a hunting buddy when ya hunt kara's :)

Re: I've gone and done it...

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 8:48 pm
by darkcred
Ahh, very nice, Good to hear my friend. I pray for my Ancestors to walk with you and your brethren, and guide you in the way of the Kamist Revolution.

OOC(And thank god you won't take any crap from this clique ridden carebear community, lol, I was thinking of making a guild called Emerald Jihad, but i reaslized too many peope might take it the wrong way considering current events and what not :)

Re: I've gone and done it...

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 12:47 am
by dakhound
GL raynes, good to see some true kami warriors are left

Re: I've gone and done it...

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 4:57 pm
by raven41
Thats a nice rhyme Jack(in ya sig) But its not completely correct :)

Goodluck raynes, I hope you HF, Because now you can be as exremest as ya want, and not effect the wrong people(The people in your own guild). :)