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The New Guy!

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 9:00 pm
by djtricky
Hello Community of Ryzom! I am new and I am currently downloading Ryzom. I saw an ad for this and saw a free trial. I clicked it and to my surprise I saw... Free Trial: Unlimited Playing Time <--- (O.o) (me). Is this true? If so, what ARE the limitations of a trial? Well I must say this give alot of time to decide. Also, is this a pay by the month game or one timer?

Now some questions about the game. I saw on the ad, some cool space shooting scene, is there anyway to get that in game, because that looks cool. This game looks really cool! I can't wait to start my free trial!

Re: The New Guy!

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 9:16 pm
by acridiel
djtricky wrote:Hello Community of Ryzom! I am new and I am currently downloading Ryzom. I saw an ad for this and saw a free trial. I clicked it and to my surprise I saw... Free Trial: Unlimited Playing Time <--- (O.o) (me). Is this true? If so, what ARE the limitations of a trial? Well I must say this give alot of time to decide. Also, is this a pay by the month game or one timer?

Now some questions about the game. I saw on the ad, some cool space shooting scene, is there anyway to get that in game, because that looks cool. This game looks really cool! I can't wait to start my free trial!
Welcome to Atys then. :)

The TIME of the Trial is unlimited, but the current Level Cap on the Trail Isel is 21, wich suffices to get a good feel for the game. :)

You should do all Tutorial quests though.

You´ll have to pay 12,95 monthly if you choose so. The Game is itself is free.

And I realy don´t know wich "space shooting" scenes you mean? Oo

No Space travel at all here.
Maybe you meant the "Trooper" firing away at some unseen target.
*sigh* These are NPCs that sadly aren´t ingame yet.
We´re itching to see them too :D

I´d also like to refere you to the "Newbes please read" Link in my siganture, it´will tell you a bit about this game :)

CU and have FUN


Re: The New Guy!

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 9:26 pm
by gretchen
Welcome! We love info in our sigs around here...mine has a link to the pdf of the Starter Guide.

Only other space shooting thing you might have seen, a lot of places you see ads for Saga of Ryzom you also see ads for EVE-Online, a space MMOG. The two games have nothing to do with each other except their ads seem to gravitate to the same boards and sites.