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Hello World

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 7:13 pm
by jasjr
Ok so im doing my "im new post"! I just want to say i have been playing for 2 days now and am loveing it. When i first got on i was haveing alot of problems with the grafix. Every thing was blocky and the shadows were just a large square. I was getting frustrated, i could not move barly and every thing was lagy for me. Before i got on made sure all the ports were good and no firewall in my way so i was confused. So i asked for help in the global channel and in 15 sec a CSR msged me asking how he could help. I explained the problem and he sat there looking for things to help me. He was great. Found out that it was a simple setting in choseing open gl or direct 3d. he had be chose direct 3d and the game looked a 1000 times better. That was my fist day. On my second day i was haveing alot of troubles figuring out combat and crafting and forgeing. So i got mad was about to log out then decided to ask again in global. And this time about 5 people all started talking to me and helping me. It was great. Im loveing the game more and more. I came from alot of other mmo's and could not find one to replace swg. But just showing up on this game i felt like i was at home and every one was my friend. So i just want to thank you all for the help. Im enjoying reading the forums at work and look forward to loging in after work tonight to play more. Oh and i got about 5 others to down load and join me in playing lol.

Elliline in game.

Re: Hello World

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 7:59 pm
by karmelit
Welcome to Atys
I am glad you made good use of the helpful community and didn't abandon ship right away. Enjoy your stay

Re: Hello World

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 11:24 pm
by 901941
Welcome to Atys!!

Re: Hello World

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 11:37 pm
by uruloki
Welcome, like you I started about 2-3 days ago and got hooked. :)

Re: Hello World

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 1:17 am
by XoloX
jasjr wrote:But just showing up on this game i felt like i was at home and every one was my friend.
You are now ;)

Welcome home, pull your easy chair to the fireplace and enjoy your time :)