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2 new players and picking a server

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 12:15 am
by kadinh
My wife and I are downloading the client(should be ready to play tomorrow) as I type this.

We have been wondering which server to jump into.

If a few of you could, maybe a couple of Pro/Cons on the 2 diff. servers.

Forgive me if there is a previous thread on this. Its 1am and I tend to overlook things when Im tired.


Re: 2 new players and picking a server

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 12:21 am
by chessack
Cho is newer and has less vet characters (though plenty of vet players) than Arispotle. So the question is do you want to enter a more "established" setting (Arispotle) or a more pristine one (Cho). There are pros and cons of each so it depends on personal preference really.


Re: 2 new players and picking a server

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 12:29 am
by kadinh
How new is Cho?
Would we have problems grouping/finding a guild?
If Cho is very new, is it growing?

Is Arispotle overcrowded in any way?
Any major gripes about maybe too many people in an area and/or town?

Edit:1 more factor for us. We currently live in Norway, would Cho be desolate in our "primetime"? I enjoy a good community which I have felt most MMOs have lacked since I stopped playing AO a while back.

Re: 2 new players and picking a server

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 1:13 am
by ajsuk
Well I can't say much for Cho but I know Arispotle isn't overcrowded at all and has people from all over playing it at most times. Ofcourse there are more busy times than others but never really dead. Oh and the Ryzom community rocks! ;)


Welcome wherever you end up!

Re: 2 new players and picking a server

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 11:31 am
by rushin
there are many, many ppl from Scandinavia on Arispotle, about 1/3 our guild are i think. I imagine there are plenty on Cho as well.

I'm sure you'll be fine whichever you choose, but maybe make a test character on each to get the lie of the land as it were.

*tries hard to resist urge to pimp guild

oops :p

Re: 2 new players and picking a server

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 2:50 pm
by dcrispo
I agree with rushin, both servers have something to offer and something lacking. Cho lacks the players with those advanced skills , although thats changing quickly. Arispotle has a veteran players base and still plenty of room for newbies. But, outposts are taken and only gained by extended battles.
Either way you should enjoy yourself so, welcome!

Re: 2 new players and picking a server

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 2:55 pm
by kadinh
Went with both servers for now.

Arispotle for when my wife and I are on together and Cho for when Im alone.

Thx all for the replies and help.


P.S. Rushin, fell free to pimp your guild ;) Tho I am an american in Nordic clothes.