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Why can't we make the Gabbai talk????

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 4:14 pm
by raynes
There is a camp of them in the normal game that we can talk to. Why can't we make it so players can talk to them in the ring editor?

Re: Why can't we make the Gabbai talk????

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 5:27 pm
by amitst
Because Nevrax starts with giving us as little as possible then debating on what freedoms we should have...
rather than giving us unlimited freedom and debating on what we shouldn't.

Sounds like poor object design. Should always have a default object that you can apply any model to and script however you want as a superset of all these creatures.

Re: Why can't we make the Gabbai talk????

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 2:01 am
by calebrie
The talking Gibbai would be different models from the standard aggro ones, as the aggro ones are considered as part of the fauna. The ones that talk would be more NPC like with a Gibbai model. If you want talking Gibbai you would be best adding it to the Wish list or sending a suggestion ticket ingame.