Re: Skill tree questions
Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2004 7:15 pm
Can't speak to the ultimate cap, but cap at beginner's islands are at 20 and you can lvl to 20 in each skill. I'd assume the mainland is the same. You'd probably have to post in the main forums to get the definitive answer.Unregistered wrote:Ok I heard somewhere I think max level is 250. But whatever it is I was wondering about skills. Can I train Fight Magic Craft Harvest all those skills to 250 each or would it be spread out as 250 total? So like 100 in fight 50 magic 50 harvest 50 craft.
The only difference is the starter packs you get at the beginning (e.g. one fighter pack gets you knife, one harvest pack gets you a harvest pick). Otherwise you need to pay for the skill with another skill (e.g. buy magic skill for 50 fight skill points). It doesn't confer any bonus on the skill branch. I've been choosing three craft packs since I can then make my own knife and you always have a default fight action.Unregistered wrote:Also at creation it has you choose fight/magic/craft/harvest but you can change it too fight fight craft what does that effect? Haven't noticed anything different.
At the beginning try and earn skills that you can use over and over again so that you can lvl up in that area. I would buy Acid1 (good for most mobs except kitins), then Cold1 (good for kitins) and then Rot1 (good for plants). You can then use that basic skill to earn upgrades for each, or specialize in one.Unregistered wrote:Also skills themselves if I am training magic and I train for example (Rot Dmg 1) since skills points seem pretty limited so far do I have to stick with that spell till however high I go? Cause I trained it cost 50 points which took all my points then trained (Rot Dmg 2) which cost 20 points. but haven't had any points to put into any other spells. Although I put 10 points into Intelligence.