Page 1 of 3
Bug retour windows
Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2004 11:38 am
by deepen36
Access Violation exception generated at 0x55BEC5, thread attempts to read at 0x160.
The thread attempted to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access.
Log with no filter:
2004/10/08 13:26:41 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 1600 user_entity.cpp 1938 : Current material = 6
2004/10/08 13:26:41 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 1600 global_retriever.cpp 2552 : Lr '' added to load
2004/10/08 13:26:42 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 1600 global_retriever.cpp 2483 : Lr '' loading task complete
2004/10/08 13:26:42 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 1600 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 908 received 177 bytes from peer (
2004/10/08 13:26:42 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 1600 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 908 received 144 bytes from peer (
2004/10/08 13:26:42 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 1600 user_entity.cpp 1938 : Current material = 6
2004/10/08 13:26:42 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 1600 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 908 received 145 bytes from peer (
2004/10/08 13:26:42 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 1600 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 908 received 449 bytes from peer (
2004/10/08 13:26:42 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 1600 player_cl.cpp 506 : PL:computeAnimSet:82: not a male or a female (gender=3).
2004/10/08 13:26:42 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 1600 player_cl.cpp 557 : PL:updateVPVpa:82: Chest(1,2) Legs(39,1) Arms(40,1) Hat(44,1) RH(33) LH(0)
2004/10/08 13:26:42 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 1600 player_cl.cpp 753 : PL:updateVPVpb:82: Hands(0,0) Feet(0,0).
2004/10/08 13:26:42 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 1600 player_cl.cpp 446 : PL:equip(2):82: VS '6' default equipement used.
2004/10/08 13:26:42 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 1600 player_cl.cpp 446 : PL:equip(2):82: VS '7' default equipement used.
2004/10/08 13:26:42 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 1600 player_cl.cpp 779 : PL:updateVPVpc:82: Eyes(0) Tattoo(0).
2004/10/08 13:26:42 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 1600 player_cl.cpp 506 : PL:computeAnimSet:10: not a male or a female (gender=3).
2004/10/08 13:26:42 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 1600 player_cl.cpp 557 : PL:updateVPVpa:10: Chest(1,5) Legs(1,1) Arms(1,5) Hat(26,5) RH(33) LH(0)
2004/10/08 13:26:42 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 1600 player_cl.cpp 753 : PL:updateVPVpb:10: Hands(0,0) Feet(0,0).
2004/10/08 13:26:42 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 1600 player_cl.cpp 446 : PL:equip(2):10: VS '6' default equipement used.
2004/10/08 13:26:42 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 1600 player_cl.cpp 446 : PL:equip(2):10: VS '7' default equipement used.
2004/10/08 13:26:42 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 1600 player_cl.cpp 779 : PL:updateVPVpc:10: Eyes(0) Tattoo(0).
2004/10/08 13:26:42 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 1600 user_entity.cpp 1938 : Current material = 6
2004/10/08 13:26:42 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 1600 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 908 received 297 bytes from peer (
2004/10/08 13:26:43 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 1600 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 908 received 213 bytes from peer (
2004/10/08 13:26:43 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 1600 user_entity.cpp 1938 : Current material = 6
2004/10/08 13:26:43 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 1600 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 908 received 131 bytes from peer (
2004/10/08 13:26:43 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 1600 global_retriever.cpp 2552 : Lr '' added to load
2004/10/08 13:26:43 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 1600 global_retriever.cpp 2483 : Lr '' loading task complete
2004/10/08 13:26:43 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 1600 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 908 received 132 bytes from peer (
2004/10/08 13:26:43 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 1600 user_entity.cpp 1938 : Current material = 6
2004/10/08 13:26:43 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 1600 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 908 received 207 bytes from peer (
2004/10/08 13:26:43 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 1600 misc.cpp 517 : getLodCharacterId: Not found A Character LodCharacter in the Manager: TR_MO_dag_LOD
2004/10/08 13:26:43 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 1600 user_entity.cpp 1938 : Current material = 6
2004/10/08 13:26:43 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 1600 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 908 received 212 bytes from peer (
2004/10/08 13:26:43 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 1600 global_retriever.cpp 2552 : Lr '' added to load
2004/10/08 13:26:43 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 1600 global_retriever.cpp 2483 : Lr '' loading task complete
2004/10/08 13:26:44 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 1600 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 908 received 254 bytes from peer (
2004/10/08 13:26:44 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 1600 global_retriever.cpp 2552 : Lr '' added to load
2004/10/08 13:26:44 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 1600 global_retriever.cpp 2483 : Lr '' loading task complete
2004/10/08 13:26:44 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 1600 user_entity.cpp 1938 : Current material = 6
2004/10/08 13:26:44 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 1600 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 908 received 206 bytes from peer (
2004/10/08 13:26:44 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 1600 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 908 received 170 bytes from peer (
2004/10/08 13:26:44 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 1600 user_entity.cpp 1938 : Current material = 6
2004/10/08 13:26:44 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 1600 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 908 received 145 bytes from peer (
2004/10/08 13:26:44 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 1600 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 908 received 439 bytes from peer (
2004/10/08 13:26:44 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 1600 user_entity.cpp 1938 : Current material = 6
2004/10/08 13:26:45 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 1600 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 908 received 328 bytes from peer (
2004/10/08 13:26:45 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 1600 global_retriever.cpp 2520 : Freed Lr ''
2004/10/08 13:26:45 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 1600 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 908 received 173 bytes from peer (
2004/10/08 13:26:45 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 1600 global_retriever.cpp 2520 : Freed Lr ''
2004/10/08 13:26:45 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 1600 user_entity.cpp 1938 : Current material = 6
2004/10/08 13:26:45 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 1600 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 908 received 179 bytes from peer (
User Crash Callback:
UserId: 77314
ShardId: 101
Player Name: 'Deepen'
UserPosition: 18957.66 -24174.25 -7.61
ViewPosition: 18957.66 -24174.25 -7.61
Time in game: 0h 16min 34sec
LocalTime: 2004/10/08 13:26:46
ServerTick: 5655976
ConnectState: Connected
LocalAddress: :1490 (
Language: Français
PatchVersion: 00010
Client is online
Memory: 683mb/1535mb
Process Virtual Memory: 782mb
NeL Memory: 0b
OS: Microsoft Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (Build 2195) (5.0 2195)
Processor: AMD Athlon(tm) XP 2800+ / x86 Family 6 Model 10 Stepping 0 / AuthenticAMD / 2079MHz / 1 Processors found
CPUID: 383fbff
CpuMask: 1
NeL3D: OpenGL / NVIDIA Corporation / GeForce4 Ti 4600/AGP/SSE/3DNOW! / 1.5.0
3DCard: ASUS V8460 ULTRA V56.72, version
Sound mixer:
Playing sources: 19
Available tracks: 3
Used tracks: 13
Muted sources: 0
Sources waiting for play: 0
HighestPri: 0 / 2
HighPri: 0 / 4
MidPri: 13 / 6
LowPri: 0 / 8
FreeTracks: 3 / 16
Average update time: 0.000012 msec
Average create time: 0.000000 msec
Estimated CPU: 0.000041%%
Sound driver:
FMod Driver
3d hw buffers: 32
2d hw buffers: 32
Re: Bug retour windows
Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2004 12:02 am
by earthforce
Access Violation exception generated at 0x315DA47, thread attempts to read at 0x21ED3000.
The thread attempted to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access.
Log with no filter:
2004/10/09 01:00:05 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3092 complex_source.cpp 516 : CS : Chaining to sound tryker_waave_rnd
2004/10/09 01:00:05 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3092 complex_source.cpp 526 : Seting event for sound tryker_waave_5 in 14744 millisec (XFade = 2000).
2004/10/09 01:00:05 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3092 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1932 received 87 bytes from peer (
2004/10/09 01:00:05 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3092 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1932 received 88 bytes from peer (
2004/10/09 01:00:06 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3092 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1932 received 98 bytes from peer (
2004/10/09 01:00:06 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3092 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1932 received 194 bytes from peer (
2004/10/09 01:00:06 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3092 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1932 received 64 bytes from peer (
2004/10/09 01:00:06 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3092 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1932 received 87 bytes from peer (
2004/10/09 01:00:06 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3092 complex_source.cpp 516 : CS : Chaining to sound tryker_waave_rnd
2004/10/09 01:00:06 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3092 complex_source.cpp 526 : Seting event for sound tryker_waave_4 in 13497 millisec (XFade = 2000).
2004/10/09 01:00:06 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3092 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1932 received 32 bytes from peer (
2004/10/09 01:00:07 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3092 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1932 received 140 bytes from peer (
2004/10/09 01:00:07 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3092 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1932 received 196 bytes from peer (
2004/10/09 01:00:07 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3092 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1932 received 56 bytes from peer (
2004/10/09 01:00:07 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3092 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1932 received 71 bytes from peer (
2004/10/09 01:00:08 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3092 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1932 received 95 bytes from peer (
2004/10/09 01:00:08 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3092 complex_source.cpp 516 : CS : Chaining to sound tryker_waave_rnd
2004/10/09 01:00:08 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3092 complex_source.cpp 526 : Seting event for sound tryker_waave_2 in 14744 millisec (XFade = 2000).
2004/10/09 01:00:08 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3092 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1932 received 70 bytes from peer (
2004/10/09 01:00:08 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3092 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1932 received 155 bytes from peer (
2004/10/09 01:00:08 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3092 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1932 received 57 bytes from peer (
2004/10/09 01:00:08 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3092 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1932 received 79 bytes from peer (
2004/10/09 01:00:09 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3092 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1932 received 65 bytes from peer (
2004/10/09 01:00:09 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3092 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1932 received 79 bytes from peer (
2004/10/09 01:00:09 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3092 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1932 received 171 bytes from peer (
2004/10/09 01:00:09 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3092 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1932 received 56 bytes from peer (
2004/10/09 01:00:09 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3092 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1932 received 71 bytes from peer (
2004/10/09 01:00:10 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3092 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1932 received 71 bytes from peer (
2004/10/09 01:00:10 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3092 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1932 received 123 bytes from peer (
2004/10/09 01:00:10 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3092 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1932 received 186 bytes from peer (
2004/10/09 01:00:10 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3092 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1932 received 93 bytes from peer (
2004/10/09 01:00:10 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3092 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1932 received 86 bytes from peer (
2004/10/09 01:00:11 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3092 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1932 received 40 bytes from peer (
2004/10/09 01:00:11 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3092 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1932 received 104 bytes from peer (
2004/10/09 01:00:11 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3092 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1932 received 210 bytes from peer (
2004/10/09 01:00:11 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3092 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1932 received 56 bytes from peer (
2004/10/09 01:00:11 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 3092 player_cl.cpp 506 : PL:computeAnimSet:252: not a male or a female (gender=3).
2004/10/09 01:00:11 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 3092 player_cl.cpp 557 : PL:updateVPVpa:252: Chest(7,1) Legs(8,1) Arms(23,6) Hat(37,5) RH(104) LH(0)
2004/10/09 01:00:11 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 3092 player_cl.cpp 753 : PL:updateVPVpb:252: Hands(0,0) Feet(0,0).
2004/10/09 01:00:11 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 3092 player_cl.cpp 446 : PL:equip(2):252: VS '6' default equipement used.
2004/10/09 01:00:11 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 3092 player_cl.cpp 446 : PL:equip(2):252: VS '7' default equipement used.
2004/10/09 01:00:11 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 3092 player_cl.cpp 779 : PL:updateVPVpc:252: Eyes(0) Tattoo(0).
2004/10/09 01:00:11 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3092 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1932 received 87 bytes from peer (
2004/10/09 01:00:12 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3092 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1932 received 40 bytes from peer (
2004/10/09 01:00:12 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3092 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1932 received 122 bytes from peer (
2004/10/09 01:00:12 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3092 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1932 received 193 bytes from peer (
2004/10/09 01:00:12 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3092 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1932 received 80 bytes from peer (
2004/10/09 01:00:12 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3092 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1932 received 78 bytes from peer (
2004/10/09 01:00:13 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3092 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1932 received 88 bytes from peer (
2004/10/09 01:00:13 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3092 fx_cl.cpp 183 : SelectBox: 17270.398438 -32945.246094 -1.775609 1.037287 0.970679 1.104515
2004/10/09 01:00:13 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3092 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1932 received 63 bytes from peer (
User Crash Callback:
UserId: 1887
ShardId: 103
Player Name: 'Sesea'
UserPosition: 17355.12 -32904.96 -0.83
ViewPosition: 17355.12 -32904.96 -0.83
Time in game: 0h 1min 48sec
LocalTime: 2004/10/09 01:00:16
ServerTick: 19106938
ConnectState: Connected
LocalAddress: :1729 (
Language: English
PatchVersion: 00010
Client is online
Memory: 46mb/1022mb
Process Virtual Memory: 853mb
NeL Memory: 0b
OS: Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 (Build 2600) (5.1 2600)
Processor: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz / x86 Family 15 Model 2 Stepping 9 / GenuineIntel / 2992MHz / 2 Processors found
CPUID: bfebfbff
CpuMask: 1
NeL3D: Direct3d / nv4_disp.dll / NVIDIA GeForce FX 5700 Ultra / \\.\DISPLAY1 / driver version :
3DCard: NVIDIA GeForce FX 5700 Ultra, version
Sound mixer:
Playing sources: 41
Available tracks: 12
Used tracks: 20
Muted sources: 0
Sources waiting for play: 0
HighestPri: 0 / 2
HighPri: 0 / 4
MidPri: 20 / 6
LowPri: 0 / 8
FreeTracks: 12 / 32
Average update time: 0.000280 msec
Average create time: 0.000002 msec
Estimated CPU: 0.000385%%
Sound driver:
FMod Driver
3d hw buffers: 61
2d hw buffers: 32
Re: Bug retour windows
Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2004 1:04 pm
by mccoy3
A failed assertion occurs
ProcName: client_ryzom_rd.exe
Date: 2004/10/09 15:05:03
File: R:\CODE\NEL\SRC\3d/transformable.h
Line: 233
Reason: "_Mode==RotEuler || _Mode==RotQuat"
Log with no filter:
2004/10/09 15:05:00 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 480 string_manager_client.cpp 495 : DynString 2249803533 available : [&ZON&You have left Fairhaven.]
2004/10/09 15:05:00 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 480 net_manager.cpp 464 : <impulseChat> Received CHAT : You have left Fairhaven.
2004/10/09 15:05:00 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 480 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1932 received 78 bytes from peer (
2004/10/09 15:05:00 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 480 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1932 received 78 bytes from peer (
2004/10/09 15:05:00 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 480 complex_source.cpp 533 : Setting last event for sound swim_2 in 1397 millisec.
2004/10/09 15:05:00 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 480 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1932 received 78 bytes from peer (
2004/10/09 15:05:00 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 480 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1932 received 171 bytes from peer (
2004/10/09 15:05:00 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 480 complex_source.cpp 533 : Setting last event for sound swim_speed_1 in 2574 millisec.
2004/10/09 15:05:01 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 480 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1932 received 113 bytes from peer (
2004/10/09 15:05:01 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 480 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1932 received 70 bytes from peer (
2004/10/09 15:05:01 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 480 complex_source.cpp 516 : CS : Chaining to sound ___swim_speed_rnd
2004/10/09 15:05:01 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 480 complex_source.cpp 526 : Seting event for sound swim_speed_3 in 1059 millisec (XFade = 1059).
2004/10/09 15:05:01 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 480 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1932 received 48 bytes from peer (
2004/10/09 15:05:01 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 480 complex_source.cpp 533 : Setting last event for sound swim_3 in 1397 millisec.
2004/10/09 15:05:01 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 480 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1932 received 70 bytes from peer (
2004/10/09 15:05:01 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 480 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1932 received 170 bytes from peer (
2004/10/09 15:05:02 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 480 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1932 received 101 bytes from peer (
2004/10/09 15:05:02 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 480 complex_source.cpp 533 : Setting last event for sound swim_speed_0 in 1861 millisec.
2004/10/09 15:05:02 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 480 complex_source.cpp 533 : Setting last event for sound swim_speed_2 in 1747 millisec.
2004/10/09 15:05:02 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 480 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1932 received 55 bytes from peer (
2004/10/09 15:05:02 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 480 complex_source.cpp 533 : Setting last event for sound swim_3 in 1397 millisec.
2004/10/09 15:05:02 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 480 complex_source.cpp 533 : Setting last event for sound swim_0 in 1397 millisec.
2004/10/09 15:05:02 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 480 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1932 received 209 bytes from peer (
2004/10/09 15:05:02 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 480 complex_source.cpp 533 : Setting last event for sound swim_2 in 1397 millisec.
2004/10/09 15:05:02 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 480 complex_source.cpp 516 : CS : Chaining to sound ___swim_speed_rnd
2004/10/09 15:05:02 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 480 complex_source.cpp 526 : Seting event for sound swim_speed_1 in 1287 millisec (XFade = 1287).
2004/10/09 15:05:02 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 480 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1932 received 124 bytes from peer (
2004/10/09 15:05:02 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 480 complex_source.cpp 533 : Setting last event for sound swim_0 in 1397 millisec.
2004/10/09 15:05:02 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 480 complex_source.cpp 533 : Setting last event for sound swim_speed_0 in 1861 millisec.
2004/10/09 15:05:02 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 480 complex_source.cpp 533 : Setting last event for sound swim_0 in 1397 millisec.
2004/10/09 15:05:02 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 480 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1932 received 154 bytes from peer (
2004/10/09 15:05:02 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 480 complex_source.cpp 533 : Setting last event for sound swim_3 in 1397 millisec.
2004/10/09 15:05:02 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 480 complex_source.cpp 533 : Setting last event for sound swim_speed_2 in 1747 millisec.
2004/10/09 15:05:03 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 480 complex_source.cpp 533 : Setting last event for sound swim_0 in 1397 millisec.
2004/10/09 15:05:03 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 480 complex_source.cpp 533 : Setting last event for sound swim_speed_1 in 2574 millisec.
2004/10/09 15:05:03 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 480 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1932 received 99 bytes from peer (
2004/10/09 15:05:03 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 480 string_manager_client.cpp 307 : <CStringManagerClient::getString> sending 'STRING_MANAGER:STRING_RQ' message to server
2004/10/09 15:05:03 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 480 complex_source.cpp 533 : Setting last event for sound swim_0 in 1397 millisec.
2004/10/09 15:05:03 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 480 complex_source.cpp 533 : Setting last event for sound swim_speed_0 in 1861 millisec.
2004/10/09 15:05:03 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 480 complex_source.cpp 533 : Setting last event for sound swim_speed_2 in 1747 millisec.
2004/10/09 15:05:03 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 480 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1932 received 177 bytes from peer (
2004/10/09 15:05:03 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 480 impulse_decoder.cpp 72 : CLIMPD: received new impulsion 1 (len=323) at level 1 (channel 0)
2004/10/09 15:05:03 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 480 impulse_decoder.cpp 72 : CLIMPD: received new impulsion 1 (len=571) at level 1 (channel 0)
2004/10/09 15:05:03 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 480 impulse_decoder.cpp 82 : CLIMPD: at level 1 (channel 0), 2 actions (ReceivedAck=22929/lastAck=22916/nextSentPacket=22930)
2004/10/09 15:05:03 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 480 impulse_decoder.cpp 72 : CLIMPD: received new impulsion 1 (len=83) at level 2 (channel 0)
2004/10/09 15:05:03 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 480 impulse_decoder.cpp 82 : CLIMPD: at level 2 (channel 0), 1 actions (ReceivedAck=22929/lastAck=22912/nextSentPacket=22930)
2004/10/09 15:05:03 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 480 client_chat_manager.cpp 72 : receive dynamic string association '5657' 'Xarius Tindix'
2004/10/09 15:05:03 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 480 net_manager.cpp 650 : impulseCallBack : Received ADD_DYN_STR : adding Xarius Tindix at index 5657
2004/10/09 15:05:03 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 480 net_manager.cpp 464 : <impulseChat> Received CHAT : Maximus says : its just a recommended lvl
2004/10/09 15:05:03 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 480 cdb_synchronised.cpp 167 : Update DB
2004/10/09 15:05:03 client_ryzom_rd.exe AST 480 transformable.h 233 : "_Mode==RotEuler || _Mode==RotQuat"
User Crash Callback:
UserId: 170649
ShardId: 103
Player Name: ''
UserPosition: 17213.07 -32815.39 -4.00
ViewPosition: 17213.07 -32815.39 -4.00
Time in game: 1h 18min 29sec
LocalTime: 2004/10/09 15:05:08
ServerTick: 19573294
ConnectState: Connected
LocalAddress: :1239 (
Language: English
PatchVersion: 00010
Client is online
Memory: 25mb/511mb
Process Virtual Memory: 905mb
NeL Memory: 0b
OS: Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 (Build 2600) (5.1 2600)
Processor: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz / x86 Family 15 Model 2 Stepping 9 / GenuineIntel / 2806MHz / 2 Processors found
CPUID: bfebfbff
CpuMask: 1
NeL3D: OpenGL / NVIDIA Corporation / GeForce4 Ti 4200/AGP/SSE2 / 1.5.1
3DCard: NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4200, version
Sound mixer:
Playing sources: 2414
Available tracks: 1
Used tracks: 31
Muted sources: 12
Sources waiting for play: 0
HighestPri: 0 / 2
HighPri: 0 / 4
MidPri: 31 / 6
LowPri: 0 / 8
FreeTracks: 1 / 32
Average update time: 0.000002 msec
Average create time: 0.000000 msec
Estimated CPU: 0.000009%%
Sound driver:
FMod Driver
3d hw buffers: 32
2d hw buffers: 32
Re: Bug retour windows
Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2004 2:22 pm
by linze
Deepen - try to upgrade your video drivers
Earthforce - yours looks like a sound crash - but OpenGL would probably work better for you anyway
McCoy - your problem also looks like a sound crash
I find that sound crashes still happen every now and then no matter how good your sound card is.
Re: Bug retour windows
Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2004 11:05 pm
by earthforce
Well, my sound drivers are up to date along with everthing else, OpenGL isn't the best option for me as it's full screen mode takes up just over half my screen, almost like I'm running it in windowed mode.
Last but not least, it's just happened again on my character Sesea, but I can play on Snufkin or Phylexo with no problem. So, something has to have recently changed as I was only playing Sesea absolutely fine a couple of hours before I made my first report.
Re: Bug retour windows
Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2004 2:46 am
by linze
I have an Audigy 2 ZS with up to date drivers and I have sound crashes every now and then. Mainly in the Tryker regions I find - something to do with all the wave sounds.
I have been in this game since Beta 2.4 and we have seen that OpenGL works best with nVidia based cards.
Fullscreen mode is a pain in the butt right now - it takes a fair bit of fiddling to get working and even then it does not stay. I gave up and use a windowed mode almost full size of my screen.
To make sure things are working at peak efficiency remove and reinstall your video drivers after upgrading to DirectX 9c.
If you did not remove the older version of your video drivers and then reboot I can almost guarantee that you will have intermittant problems.
Re: Bug retour windows
Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2004 4:33 am
by earthforce
Thanks for the help, but that's already been done and I too was from beta 2
I'll stick with Direct3D as it works just fine for me. If I have to delete my character, then so be it as I have been recently using it to help resolve a straffing animation bug when using a pistol weapon.
Okay, just loaded the game up again and chose the character that crashes. There does seem to be a lot of disk activity during the entry period into the Tryker mainlands. But once it stops, I can play as normal, it is only when I try to move the character or the camera I get the error dump. Now I need to work on finding what's suddenly caused this as I have been playing fine there until Friday night/Saturday morning.
Re: Bug retour windows
Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2004 7:23 am
by exelsiar
just thought of a little idea, no idea if it'd work or what not but meh, have you tryed reinstalling, by the looks of some of the coding it might not be likeing some of the data in the files (no idea as i dun understand the coding -shrugs again-), or you could try moving the character data files out of the save folder to somewhere else then running the game and check on the char, if it works you know one of those files was the problem, if not then you could try the first idea ^_^
Re: Bug retour windows
Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2004 12:00 pm
by earthforce
You know, that is definately worth a shot.
Good idea, even if it doesn't work
Sorry to say it did not work, however, if you disable EAX in the configuration for sound everything works as before.
Also from observation, it does look like that the sound files are loaded into memory at the same time as video and the program, so trying to move about looks to give the game a heart attack

Re: Bug retour windows
Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2004 8:37 pm
by monodude
This is annoying.... im getting a simmilar message as following...
Access Violation exception generated at 0x653DB1, thread attempts to read at 0x10.
The thread attempted to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access.
Log with no filter:
2004/10/10 22:30:06 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 2760 interface_parser.cpp 3264 : 0 seconds for removeAllAnims
2004/10/10 22:30:06 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 2760 interface_parser.cpp 3233 : 0 seconds for all unlinkAllContainers
2004/10/10 22:30:06 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 2760 interface_parser.cpp 3238 : 0 seconds for all delete _MasterGroups
2004/10/10 22:30:06 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 2760 interface_parser.cpp 3267 : 0 seconds for removeAllMasterGroups
2004/10/10 22:30:06 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 2760 interface_manager.cpp 730 : 0 seconds for removeAll
2004/10/10 22:30:06 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 2760 interface_manager.cpp 733 : 0 seconds for reset
2004/10/10 22:30:06 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 2760 interface_manager.cpp 738 : 0 seconds for removeAllLinks
2004/10/10 22:30:06 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 2760 interface_manager.cpp 741 : 0 seconds for removeNode
2004/10/10 22:30:06 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 2760 interface_manager.cpp 749 : 0 seconds for uninitActions
2004/10/10 22:30:06 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 2760 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1932 received 9 bytes from peer (
2004/10/10 22:30:06 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 2760 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1932 received 9 bytes from peer (
2004/10/10 22:30:06 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 2760 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1932 received 9 bytes from peer (
2004/10/10 22:30:06 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 2760 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1932 received 9 bytes from peer (
2004/10/10 22:30:06 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 2760 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1932 received 9 bytes from peer (
2004/10/10 22:30:07 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 2760 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1932 received 9 bytes from peer (
2004/10/10 22:30:07 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 2760 cdb_branch.cpp 585 : node LOCAL not found
2004/10/10 22:30:07 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 2760 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1932 received 9 bytes from peer (
2004/10/10 22:30:07 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 2760 init_main_loop.cpp 279 : ****** InGame Interface Parsing and Init START ******
2004/10/10 22:30:07 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 2760 audio_mixer_user.cpp 1812 : Loading samples bank ui_ingame...
2004/10/10 22:30:07 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 2760 sample_bank.cpp 252 : Loading sample bank ui_ingame
2004/10/10 22:30:07 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 2760 path.cpp 469 : PATH: CPath::lookup(ui_ingame.sample_bank): file not found
2004/10/10 22:30:07 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 2760 common.cpp 651 : Exception will be launched: Path not found for ui_ingame.sample_bank
2004/10/10 22:30:07 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 2760 audio_mixer_user.cpp 1832 : AM: Failed to load the samples: Path not found for ui_ingame.sample_bank
2004/10/10 22:30:11 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 2760 common.cpp 651 : Exception will be launched: Entity: line 1: error: Document is empty
2004/10/10 22:30:11 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 2760 interface_parser.cpp 446 : CInterfaceParser: Error while loading the xml interface file save/keys_slimfatty.xml, skipping xml parsing : Entity: line 1: error: Document is empty
2004/10/10 22:30:11 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 2760 interface_parser.cpp 818 : the template chat_id was not found
2004/10/10 22:30:11 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 2760 interface_parser.cpp 3125 : <CInterfaceParser::createGroupInstance> cannot create instance from template chat_id
2004/10/10 22:30:11 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 2760 interface_parser.cpp 818 : the template chat_id was not found
2004/10/10 22:30:11 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 2760 interface_parser.cpp 3125 : <CInterfaceParser::createGroupInstance> cannot create instance from template chat_id
2004/10/10 22:30:11 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 2760 interface_parser.cpp 818 : the template chat_id was not found
2004/10/10 22:30:11 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 2760 interface_parser.cpp 3125 : <CInterfaceParser::createGroupInstance> cannot create instance from template chat_id
2004/10/10 22:30:11 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 2760 interface_parser.cpp 818 : the template chat_id was not found
2004/10/10 22:30:11 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 2760 interface_parser.cpp 3125 : <CInterfaceParser::createGroupInstance> cannot create instance from template chat_id
2004/10/10 22:30:11 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 2760 interface_parser.cpp 818 : the template system_info_id was not found
2004/10/10 22:30:11 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 2760 interface_parser.cpp 3125 : <CInterfaceParser::createGroupInstance> cannot create instance from template system_info_id
2004/10/10 22:30:11 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 2760 interface_parser.cpp 818 : the template filtered_chat_id was not found
2004/10/10 22:30:11 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 2760 interface_parser.cpp 3125 : <CInterfaceParser::createGroupInstance> cannot create instance from template filtered_chat_id
2004/10/10 22:30:11 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 2760 interface_parser.cpp 818 : the template chat_id was not found
2004/10/10 22:30:11 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 2760 interface_parser.cpp 3125 : <CInterfaceParser::createGroupInstance> cannot create instance from template chat_id
2004/10/10 22:30:11 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 2760 interface_parser.cpp 818 : the template people_list_container was not found
2004/10/10 22:30:11 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 2760 interface_parser.cpp 3125 : <CInterfaceParser::createGroupInstance> cannot create instance from template people_list_container
2004/10/10 22:30:11 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 2760 people_list.cpp 59 : <CPeopleList::create> Can't get father group, or bad type
2004/10/10 22:30:11 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 2760 people_list.cpp 59 : <CPeopleList::create> Can't get father group, or bad type
2004/10/10 22:30:11 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 2760 interface_parser.cpp 818 : the template main_chat_group was not found
2004/10/10 22:30:11 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 2760 interface_parser.cpp 3125 : <CInterfaceParser::createGroupInstance> cannot create instance from template main_chat_group
2004/10/10 22:30:11 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 2760 chat_filter.cpp 95 : Can't add NULL window
2004/10/10 22:30:11 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 2760 chat_filter.cpp 95 : Can't add NULL window
2004/10/10 22:30:11 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 2760 chat_filter.cpp 95 : Can't add NULL window
2004/10/10 22:30:11 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 2760 chat_filter.cpp 95 : Can't add NULL window
2004/10/10 22:30:11 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 2760 chat_filter.cpp 95 : Can't add NULL window
2004/10/10 22:30:11 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 2760 chat_filter.cpp 95 : Can't add NULL window
User Crash Callback:
UserId: 173648
ShardId: 103
No user entity informations
ViewPosition: 0.00 0.00 0.00
Time in game: 0h 4min 1sec
LocalTime: 2004/10/10 22:30:14
ServerTick: 20684131
ConnectState: Connected
LocalAddress: :1075 (
Language: English
PatchVersion: 00010
Client is online
Memory: 121mb/511mb
Process Virtual Memory: 255mb
NeL Memory: 0b
OS: Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 (Build 2600) (5.1 2600)
Processor: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.40GHz / x86 Family 15 Model 2 Stepping 4 / GenuineIntel / 2410MHz / 1 Processors found
CPUID: 3febfbff
CpuMask: 1
NeL3D: OpenGL / NVIDIA Corporation / GeForce4 Ti 4600/AGP/SSE2 / 1.5.1
3DCard: NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4600, version
Sound mixer:
Playing sources: 0
Available tracks: 32
Used tracks: 0
Muted sources: 0
Sources waiting for play: 0
HighestPri: 0 / 2
HighPri: 0 / 4
MidPri: 0 / 6
LowPri: 0 / 8
FreeTracks: 32 / 32
Average update time: 0.000132 msec
Average create time: -1.#IND00 msec
Estimated CPU: 0.000370%%
Sound driver:
FMod Driver
3d hw buffers: 61
2d hw buffers: 32
All my hardware is driver-updated along with Direct X and service packs... i reinstalled the game 2 times now, and getting a little tired of this junk...
plz help me out,,, i dont want to cancelling the account for this sake.