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[CLOSED] Q170 Supreme Tryker Heavy Armor Auction

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 4:32 pm
by riveit ... h=imgAnch1

I made this armor from some odds and ends I found in the Prime Roots. It is all +2 Parry and Protection factors from 55.1% to 57.8% I hope someone will find it useful. :)

This is a mixed mats or dappers auction. Mats are HA mats q180 or greater (basic, fine, forest, lakeland or prime roots). Each mat is valued at 5000 dappers.
Auction starts at 800 materials or 4 million dappers
Minimum bid increment: 50 materials, 250k dappers.
Sniper rule, any bid in last 15 minutes prolongs the end of the auction for another 15 minutes.

Auction Ends: midnight GMT (8:00 pm EST) Friday Oct. 13th.

Re: Q170 Supreme Tryker Heavy Armor Auction

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 5:24 pm
by nillian
4 million dappers :)

Re: Q170 Supreme Tryker Heavy Armor Auction

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:40 pm
by dlice
800 mats for one suit? wow thats a lot more as i figured.

Re: Q170 Supreme Tryker Heavy Armor Auction

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:49 pm
by riveit
dlice wrote:800 mats for one suit? wow thats a lot more as i figured.
A suit of high plan heavy armor requires using 228 mats without any losses in degrades (this suit had a loss helmet because I accidentally used a lower q mat :( so 272 mats). This suit was mainly supreme and excellent mats including some named and boss pieces. So to value it at 800 similar q grind mats seems like a bargain to me. :)

Re: Q170 Supreme Tryker Heavy Armor Auction

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 9:33 pm
by ffxjosh
dlice wrote:800 mats for one suit? wow thats a lot more as i figured.

800 mats can be dug in one hour by any Q250 digger (half an hour with a CP). 1 hours work, for sum very nice gear for a friend. - seems worth it.

I, too am a heavy armor crafter, so i wont be bidding on this auction.



Re: Q170 Supreme Tryker Heavy Armor Auction

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 12:47 am
by nillian
So did I win ?

Re: Q170 Supreme Tryker Heavy Armor Auction

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 2:28 am
by riveit
nillian wrote:So did I win ?
Yes, of course, you did. :)

Auction closed, Nillian is the winner! :D