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4 trykers seek guild

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 7:15 pm
by hobeast
We're experienced online players, just not with this game (SWG, DAOC, EVE) and are looking for a guild to join. We can offer you noobs who learn quickly and know how to function in a group.

We aren’t truly into the role playing part but we all appreciate it to some degree. We’re all over 30 and aren’t big on talking too much trash and would prefer to avoid a guild that has a bunch of pre teens (if those exist in this game). We’re all in the US Mountain time zone and are on most evenings. Our ideal guild will have members on during this time and have people experienced enough with the game to provide pointers and occasional assistance.

My main toon is immerito, please message me and we can see if there is a fit. Thanks in advance.

Re: 4 trykers seek guild

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 11:07 pm
by thel0rax
the new empire will let you join if you are nuetrel or karavan conntact therowan or pacaryl or kirijoaleth spelling might be roung

Re: 4 trykers seek guild

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 1:17 am
by kibsword
Space, TNE isn't too active mountain time evening :)

Re: 4 trykers seek guild

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 1:26 am
by riveit
Aeden Artisans, a Tryker guild, could be a good match for you. Contact myself, Pero, Pipp, Iverem, Utai or Kiwi. I hope to see you in-game.

Re: 4 trykers seek guild

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 1:36 am
by codwin
SWG was once good.......

Re: 4 trykers seek guild

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 10:37 am
by norvic
Although we do have US players we are probably not as active in you timezone as maybe you would like but if you are looking for an "Older" freindly, free flowing guild then check the link in my Sig or give one of us a shout for a chat.

Welcome to Atys wherever you find your new family. :)

Re: 4 trykers seek guild

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 9:52 am
by kayak
firstly welcome to ryzom :)

you have probably found your home by now but just incase you are still looking around maybe the insomniacs would interest you.

we have quite a few US players and our recruiting policy tends to weed out imature players. we are a neutral guild in play style (however we are factioned for teleporting reasons)

if you need any help or more advice don't hesitate to pm me.

more information can be found out about us on the guild information thread

hope to see you ingame some time

Re: 4 trykers seek guild

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 4:35 pm
by raisrev1
Well First off Welcome to the Giant RootBall.
Depending on your Faction Stance, Dragons of Shadow might Suit ya as well. Most of us are in College or just out of it from what ive gathered. ;)
I will try to contact you this evening myself when I get on and tell you a bit more of us.