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This Forum - Please Read

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 10:11 pm
by calebrie
Welcome to the Adventure designers hints and exchanges section of the Ring forums!

As you may have guessed this section is for building on and swapping ideas on the design of Ring Scenarios. For example if you wish to ask for some advice on how to do something, or alternatively give some advice, this is the place to do it.

General discussion not related to the creation of scenarios should be done in the General Ring forums, while scedules for running and testing scenarios should be done in the My schedules section.

Remember, there are always small tips and tricks you can learn about the Ring from others that you may not know, so it would be my advice to check here often :)

A couple of threads you may like to look at are the Tips and Tricks and Scenario Creation Q&A stickies.

Most importantly, enjoy it!
