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Hello, I'm new with some questions!

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 10:14 am
by palleon
Hi everyone, thanks for letting me in on the trial.

A few questions if you dont mind:

1. Is there a way to see the amount of XP needed to gain the next level of magic or melee? I know pressing B shows me a little white line, and I know I get maybe 1000 xp per kill, but I'd like to see how many more I will need to level.

2. I see a light armour vendor, a medium armour vendor etc, but can't see what sort of armour I can wear. Where can I see this? I dont want to buy some armour only to find I cant wear it.

3. Is there a targetting key? In other games for example you press Tab to cycle through on screen targets, but I cant see one in the UI settings anywhere.

Thats all for now, thanks in advance!

Re: Hello, I'm new with some questions!

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 10:30 am
by xolghost
Welcome to Atys :)
palleon wrote:Hi everyone, thanks for letting me in on the trial.

A few questions if you dont mind:

1. Is there a way to see the amount of XP needed to gain the next level of magic or melee? I know pressing B shows me a little white line, and I know I get maybe 1000 xp per kill, but I'd like to see how many more I will need to level.
Nope, no see... But it'll be more with every level you earned.
You could attend to one of the info sites out there, like They had a list about how much XP for which level.
palleon wrote:2. I see a light armour vendor, a medium armour vendor etc, but can't see what sort of armour I can wear. Where can I see this? I dont want to buy some armour only to find I cant wear it.
No worries... You can wear all armor types (not all quality levels - yet) you wish to wear, although you should keep in mind that wearing medium or heavy armor will increase your penalty which is real bad for casting magic, harvesting and worst case even for crafting.
If you're browsing equipment merchants, the stuff you're not able to equip will be presented to you grayed out (redded out, actually *g*), you can still query the item info to see why you can't wear this quality level yet.
palleon wrote:3. Is there a targetting key? In other games for example you press Tab to cycle through on screen targets, but I cant see one in the UI settings anywhere.
There is no target cycling. The default key for targetting what's in front of you is the spacebar for attackable creatures and CTRL + space for player characters. You can redefine all, if you wish... (K opens the key configuration).
Have fun on Atys when the shards are back up :)

Re: Hello, I'm new with some questions!

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 10:37 am
by palleon
Thank you for the info!

Seems a interesting game so far, with lots of unique features. I wish other MMO's would take note of these and stop all copying WoW and EQ!

Am I right in thinking there is no player housing or player run cities here?

Re: Hello, I'm new with some questions!

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 11:52 am
by acridiel
Welcome to Atys :)

Player housing is here, but in a very limited form. It´s more of a large walk-in closet. Sadly no inviting other players up until now. It´s in the pipeline for later, but as of now it´s only you and your stuff in there.
If I remember correctly it costs 100k in Dappers and may be located in each capital city on the mainland. Regardless of Race or Faction, so you can be a Zorai with an appartment in Fairhaven, the Tryker Capital, if you like, or vice versa.

Player run citys are much discussed and there´s no announcement from aboce to them as of yet.
Maybe in later versions of the Ryzom Ring it may be possible to build them, we don´t know.

Enjoy your stay :)


Re: Hello, I'm new with some questions!

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 4:32 pm
by raisrev1
Well seeing as the others have explained your questions already... Welcome to the Giant RootBall!