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Diff between "Activated" and "start script"

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 9:27 am
by gillest
I am having some trouble with dialogues which start when they are not supposed to...

Mainly they start as soon as I am in Game Master mode when clicking test and even tho they are supposed to start at following condition:

Dialogue 1: start when NPC targeted by player and cut throat group is alive
Dialogue 2: start when NPC targeted by player and cut throat group is dead

Wish that was that easy tho lol: they seem to start as from test and do not work after when I click on NPC..... (used to before patch)

I am thinking this might be due to my "not so good" understanding of the :
* Start script...

Anyone got any light on difference between those?
(and I am not talking yet about nightmare to have Kitin invasion group spawning after dialogue 4 is started lol)

Re: Diff between "Activated" and "start script"

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 9:38 am
by rushin
you've checked the autostart isnt ticked in the dialog property?

Re: Diff between "Activated" and "start script"

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 9:49 am
by gillest

the "autowhat"? :)

That could have been my next question :)
/self target

Edit: Ok, unticketed autostart but now, dialogue doesnt even start when I target NPC..
Edit 2: had to redo all dialogue condition, now it's working ...

Re: Diff between "Activated" and "start script"

Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 8:39 am
by dlice
i always use, start at step #x function.


think that is triggered when the item is changed from inactive (disabled) to active (enabled).

start script starts the script from the beginning taking its active.

so if you put an event on a inactive dialog (start script on activation event) it should start automaticly when its activated, autostarting sorta, with the difference it starts when when you want it.