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Scenario errors
Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 9:12 pm
by sidusar
Pardon me, but is anyone else experiencing seemingly unexplainable scenario errors? I mean situations like this:
- test scenario, it all works fine
- put down a yubo
- test scenario again, scenario error
- remove the yubo
- test scenario again, still scenario error
- load a previous save file of the scenario back when it still worked
- test scenario again, still scenario error
- bang head on desk in frustration
I'm not expecting anyone to have a solution for this, but it'd be a comfort just to know I'm not the only one to whom it makes no sense

Re: Scenario errors
Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 9:19 pm
by grimjim
sidusar wrote:Pardon me, but is anyone else experiencing seemingly unexplainable scenario errors? I mean situations like this:
- test scenario, it all works fine
- put down a yubo
- test scenario again, scenario error
- remove the yubo
- test scenario again, still scenario error
- load a previous save file of the scenario back when it still worked
- test scenario again, still scenario error
- bang head on desk in frustration
I'm not expecting anyone to have a solution for this, but it'd be a comfort just to know I'm not the only one to whom it makes no sense
Does the error actually stop it running? I get error messages but my scenario works just fine.
Re: Scenario errors
Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 9:24 pm
by sidusar
Sure does. I get a nice message "R2_debug.Lua:145:", and it pops me back in the editor mode.
Your scenario still runs even if you get an error message?

Re: Scenario errors
Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 9:33 pm
by grimjim
sidusar wrote:Sure does. I get a nice message "R2_debug.Lua:145:", and it pops me back in the editor mode.
Your scenario still runs even if you get an error message?
I get two error messages in the chat window but it runs fine.
Have you checked the pathing and zones? They might be conflicting or in inaccessable parts of the map... though I don't see why a yubo placement would break that :/
Re: Scenario errors
Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 9:40 pm
by rushin
yep i had that one. it messed up my save as well.
i think it happened due to the following:
i went into someone else scenario to play around
instead of exiting to the mainland i jumped straight into the editor
cant be sure though but its seems the likely culprit for me at least
just as a by the by.. wow!! i hadnt really been interested in the AM mode and have been making mine self sufficent but i tried it today for a few hours, what brilliant fun

Re: Scenario errors
Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 9:42 pm
by sidusar
Well, I do have paths running all over the map and criss-cross through eachother...
But, just to name another example, I don't see why that suddenly doesn't work anymore if a stationary npc nowhere near those paths is made player-attackable :/
It would be nice if it could tell me in which entity the error is.
Re: Scenario errors
Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 11:35 pm
by sidusar
Oooh, the opposite sometimes works too!
Test scenario: scenario error.
Safe scenario
Load scenario
Test again: it works!
So maybe your safe files aren't messed up at all, rushin
And yep, AMing your scenario can be fun.
Re: Scenario errors
Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 11:43 pm
by rushin
sidusar wrote:So maybe your safe files aren't messed up at all, rushin
long gone, v2 much better
i really hope we can get an auto invite and let us be logged in, have it running but not have to be in there... it's kinda boring sitting waiting for someone to turn up and it means ppl have to be lucky to catch me in such a mood to see what i have been up to (unless they are in guild in which case i bully them
