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What would you like to see them work on next?

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 3:50 pm
by raynes
I am curious what people think they should work on after the spires?

Re: What would you like to see them work on next?

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 3:56 pm
by dhalia
im happy if they bring back the kitinpatrols :)

and after that bring new armour craftplans and introduce a wantedsystem so we can hunt down wanted homins ;)

Re: What would you like to see them work on next?

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 3:59 pm
by kibsword
To be honest, although a lot of the above are nice, they arn't priorities for me. I do like the sounds of the Kitin dungeon and Spires, and would like to see them implimented soon :)

As well as continued development on the Ring of course

Re: What would you like to see them work on next?

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 4:02 pm
by stelf
As Kibs said, all the above would be nice, but it would be nice to get to an area of Atys we have all see from afar since we started.

Re: What would you like to see them work on next?

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 4:04 pm
by iwojimmy
Hard choices

I dont think the Encyclopedia SHOULD be finished, I beleive it should continue to grow.. but I would like the current set of entries to be completed :)

As for Fame, until they can make fame meaningful for neutrals, its a dead issue as far as I'm concerned.

A new environment would be wonderful, but I would hate to see something half-assed rushed into play...

and Ryzom isnt like Silan, and shouldnt go that way :p

Re: What would you like to see them work on next?

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 4:08 pm
by michielb
raynes wrote:I am curious what people think they should work on after the spires?
Personally I would like to see them start work on some of the things that we announced so long, long ago before Spires cuz frankly in don't think Spires is worth the effort...

Re: What would you like to see them work on next?

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 4:25 pm
by zanthar
I think the encyclopedia quest line needs to be finished! In saying finished I mean the entries that are there need to be finished and Keep growing the encyclopedia volume of quests. nuf said about that.

It also would not bother me if the devs did bring more of the "Island quests" to the mainland as long as they did not make it like Guild Wars in that you get very little Xp for hunting with out a quest telling you to do so, and the quests evolved the lore of ATYS! These IMO would have to be pretty well thought out quests, unlike SWG style go to point X,Y on planet X and pick up x or kill x, I like the fact that the island quests did not give specific directions on how to do quests. The player gets just enough information on where to start and what needs to be accomplished. As far as rewards go for these quests go I like the way the quests that are here work you get a little dapper and/or faction points! The point of these is to get you to explore your world, not to get you a ton of Dapper, which IMO is how it should be the players should not be dependant on the game as far as quests to make their money!

Re: What would you like to see them work on next?

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 4:29 pm
by g00st
hey mr raynzers back on this band wagon again....


having an opinion that counts for squat im gonna ssay

give us some more individuality........which means encylco is the way to go....but swg did have some nice features......

Re: What would you like to see them work on next?

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 4:52 pm
by rothimar
iwojimmy wrote:As for Fame, until they can make fame meaningful for neutrals, its a dead issue as far as I'm concerned.

Fame should be somewhat seperate from faction... afterall, anyone can become known for their actions... regardless of what group they may or may not belong to.
iwojimmy wrote:A new environment would be wonderful, but I would hate to see something half-assed rushed into play...

and Ryzom isnt like Silan, and shouldnt go that way :p

Being that I haven't seen all of Atys yet, I can't really say "gimmie a new area" quite yet. ;)

As for RoS... I wonder how many people come to mainland only to find it isn't like Silan, and then cancel their subscriptions. Just a thought.

Re: What would you like to see them work on next?

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 4:58 pm
by grimjim
Finish Encyclopaeda +100 points.
Opening the canopy +5 points.
Better rewards for fame 0 points.
Changing mainland to be more like the starter island -googleplex points

Addition: Changing Silan to be more clear about the mainland +50 points.