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Ryzom Ring Training and Global Chat
Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 4:19 am
by netzz
I'm a noob trying to learn to use the Ring editor, and I had a few questions.
1. Is there a possibility that other "DMs" will be able to "join" you in the editor? (It would be great if I could work with a more experienced DM, and learn from them)
2. Is there any type of "Global DM Chat" possibility? It gets very lonely working in the Ring for an extended period of time. I'd even be happy to find something like Klients for DM's (or an IRC channel/TeamSpeak server)?
It would be nice to be able to ask others questions, while we are editing/learning.
3. Does anyone have any suggestions on a "training cycle"? I read the manual twice, and have made several scenarios/act. I feel like I'm learning things backwards though, by accident.
Are there any suggestions on a "checklist" of activities you can cycle through when learning the RIng, which would make more sense to a "learner"? e.g. setting up a basic mission using NPC and a Task Step Component. Then adding a "Treasure Chest Spawn", Retrieve Item, etc.
Any suggestions, anyone?
Re: Ryzom Ring Training and Global Chat
Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 8:32 am
by rme2001
Hey, i'll try to awnser some of your questions :
1. I heard that was planned, but not implemented due to the complexity of it.
So for now the awnser is no.
2. I totally agree with your request here, either a special "R2" channel or a working universe channel (universe being all the people that are working in the R2 server either editing or playing a scenario) would be most apriciated.
3. Its not 100% clear to me what you mean here, if your looking for some kind of "guide" or "walktrough" for making a simple chain of events in the ring, then i guess i could write up a short guide for new people to gat a grip of the basics. Let me know if you mean that.
Re: Ryzom Ring Training and Global Chat
Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 9:30 am
by mreguy34
If you open your chat window (closed by default, I believe), you can chat as normal. I haven't tried region or universe chat, but I can definitely chat with my guild and through tells while in the editor and while running the scenario.
Only problem I've seen is that the friends list doesn't work. I appear offline to everyone else and they appear offline to me.
Re: Ryzom Ring Training and Global Chat
Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 9:53 am
by netzz
rme2001 wrote:......... if your looking for some kind of "guide" or "walktrough" for making a simple chain of events in the ring, then i guess i could write up a short guide for new people to gat a grip of the basics. Let me know if you mean that.
A basic guide would be great. For example, I wish I would have learned about how to place a Task Component, before I started trying to make one myself from scratch.....
Just looking for a logical sequence to go through setting up a basic scenario, so I can get a broader piscture, and connect the dots..

Re: Ryzom Ring Training and Global Chat
Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 9:55 am
by netzz
mreguy34 wrote:If you open your chat window (closed by default, I believe), you can chat as normal. I haven't tried region or universe chat, but I can definitely chat with my guild and through tells while in the editor and while running the scenario.
Only problem I've seen is that the friends list doesn't work. I appear offline to everyone else and they appear offline to me.
I tried talking to someone who was "in" the eidtor, and I could "hear" them, but they couldn't "hear" me.
But yeah, a general universe wide GM (Ring Chat) channel would be awesome.
Re: Ryzom Ring Training and Global Chat
Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 10:07 am
by mreguy34
Ahh. Maybe you should report that as a bug. Fortunately, I've not run across that yet. I've had no problems chatting with guild and through tells so far. Good luck!
Re: Ryzom Ring Training and Global Chat
Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 10:44 am
by raynes
mreguy34 wrote:If you open your chat window (closed by default, I believe), you can chat as normal. I haven't tried region or universe chat, but I can definitely chat with my guild and through tells while in the editor and while running the scenario.
Only problem I've seen is that the friends list doesn't work. I appear offline to everyone else and they appear offline to me.
You can only chat with guild and through tells. Nothing else.