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Masterless Scenario Season Change

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 5:45 pm
by sehracii
When I created my scenario I thought I linked it to be the same season as mainland. Apparently not, as its stuck in Winter even though we've moved to Spring.

Now I can't seem to find a way to change the season. Is it possible to change season without starting a new scenario and recreating *everything*?

I hope someone knows how, I don't want to be stuck in winter forever :o

Re: Masterless Scenario Season Change

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 6:54 pm
by marct
Have you tried de-publishing and re-publishing. I imagine you have but thought I would mention it.

I know it is in the very beginning of the save file, but I do not think you can just change it there as they have run a hash on the file to ensure it stays as it was last saved from the editor.

I don't have the editor with me, but is it in the "main menu" at the lower right? Possibly under properties?

Re: Masterless Scenario Season Change

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 7:09 pm
by sidusar
I was wondering why you'd want your shop to be in eternal winter :(

As I understood it, the season is determined when the scenario is first created and is then set in stone forever. You can change the weather and the time of day, but the season's locked.

Re: Masterless Scenario Season Change

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 7:36 pm
by sidusar
Okay, one way of working around it:

- Go to your list of entities and set them all as permanents.
- Go to your list of macro components and set them all as permanents too.
- Make a new act, create a new location for this act and then choose the same location as in act 1, but with a different season.
- Go to the new act 2 and check if everything carried over from act 1, then delete act 1.

It's still a little work, but considerably less than remaking the whole scenario. As far as I know the new season will still be permanent though, there's no way to change the season without changing acts.

Re: Masterless Scenario Season Change

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 7:55 pm
by iphdrunk
marct wrote:I know it is in the very beginning of the save file, but I do not think you can just change it there as they have run a hash on the file to ensure it stays as it was last saved from the editor.
Ouch (slight offtopic)
I had hoped the save files would have a fairly easy syntax and that I could so some editing and tweaking offline, even with a text editor, and with time, lua scripting or similar. I can understand why Nevrax does this - consistency, avoid error-prone changes, force you to be online and using the ring, etc. but once you know how it works, the intuitive interface can slow you down, such as editing macros just editing the xml file...

Re: Masterless Scenario Season Change

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 8:37 pm
by marct
It's all there plain as day, it is just there are 2 or 3 hash keys. I imagine on loading, if the file were to have been edited offline, you would fail the hash test and not be able to load the scenario.

Re: Masterless Scenario Season Change

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 11:45 pm
by sehracii
It's unfortunate I can't link the scenario to mainland seasons, but I did use Sidusar's workaround successfully.

Although, I didn't just do a second Act and delete the first, I made 4, one for each season. Now when I start it up I hit a trigger to pick the right Act/season for the duration of my stay, works fine :)