Greetings all, again.....
Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 11:51 pm
I was in the beta for SoR, and played it for about a month of so on release. The problem then was I was playing with my brother (who being stuck on dial up) and he had alot of connection problems and via frustration, quit. I was alone and ended up canceling at lvl 39 or so. After a 18 month or so hiatus a friend tried the trial and asked me if I would consider playing SoR again. I remembered mostly good things and said "sure". Came back a couple weeks ago and am really enjoying myself. I'm going dual wield (yeah yeah, I know.... but dont care!) Found a excellent guild that is really helping me to enjoy the game, and I dont see much pulling me away from SoR anytime soon.
Edit: My in-game name is Hellgeist
Edit: My in-game name is Hellgeist