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Am I missing something in the environs of the Zorai homelands?

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 5:39 am
by cjhsb
Well, I dunno.

I've wandered upto the Great Outback (died), through the entire of the east (died alot) and most of the south (died less, but still quite a bit).

And I cant find any mobs really from lvls 60-120 anywhere.

Plenty of 60- in the Cities zone, plenty of 120+ everywhere else it seems.

Now I know there some named mobs and kips that give 3k to a 60+, but frankly I'm a mage so even with a millisecond lag on my fear cycle I would die trying it on with any of those; and anyway, there boss mobs and clearly not proportional to the gazillion 120+ or 60- mobs everywhere.

So, for you great explorers out there...what have I missed? Any suggestions on where to find mobs that would be good for 60-100 odd would be absolutly great...'cos I just know I've missed them somewhere. :p

Re: Am I missing something in the environs of the Zorai homelands?

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 7:12 am
by enlil
Maidens Grove has plenty of lvl 60-100 mobs.

Mean Kipees are lvl 77.
Mean Kizoars are like 78.
Some of the Messabs are lvl 66 I think.

Re: Am I missing something in the environs of the Zorai homelands?

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 10:26 am
by shrike
Yes, maiden groove is the area to be. Just wander a little more deeper into it, right at the start of MG the mobs are a little thougher.

Viligant and robust are the lvl 60 mobs. But avoid the predators, those are overpowered there - a scary ragus (lvl 55) has 4000 hp! (comparsion: growling (lvl 35) ~600, baying (lvl 45): ~800)

Re: Am I missing something in the environs of the Zorai homelands?

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 2:49 pm
by cjhsb
Ahhh, thanks guys - I have indeed wandered around MG alot, but always got mauled by...surprise surprise...the preds. As a result I assumed they were indicative of the average for the herbs there and cried softly into hands.

Re: Am I missing something in the environs of the Zorai homelands?

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 3:05 pm
by shrike
If it's of any help, had *exactly* the same experiences there first ;)

Re: Am I missing something in the environs of the Zorai homelands?

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2004 9:14 pm
by fiadd
If you go to the lake in maidens grove, you'll find the dead seed tribe's outpost, and a lot of the 60-70 herbivores with few predators. If you can avoid hitting the dead seed guards accidently, it's a good place to solo.