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What plans are there to fix the servers?

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 5:29 am
by kamagi
Quite often they are just hopeless.
NA server has hopeless probing, stalls and rubber banding.
Cant speak for the other servers.
This needs to be completely fixed well before the end of the free month or I for one will not be subscribing.

Re: What plans are there to fix the servers?

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 3:09 pm
by cerest
kamagi wrote:Quite often they are just hopeless.
NA server has hopeless probing, stalls and rubber banding.
Cant speak for the other servers.
This needs to be completely fixed well before the end of the free month or I for one will not be subscribing.

Well today's patch should have taken care of a lot of the rubberbanding problems that people were experiencing.

Re: What plans are there to fix the servers?

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 3:15 pm
by miths999
I just came off a three hour session on the Euro English server (wrong forum, I know :) ) - *no* rubberbanding at all. And that is after warping all over the place 10-20 times a minute since the patch on the 28th.

Still there was just a message saying the server was going down for a reboot to fix the lag issues, so perhaps I was just extremely lucky to have experienced no lag today. Or perhaps they just have a few "final" fixes to implement to be on the safe side.

Good work Nevrax, although it should have been fixed in less than half the time of course ;) .
Let us hope the troubles are over now.

Re: What plans are there to fix the servers?

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 3:17 pm
by baron66
I think the lag problem is because the NA server has more people on it now then it did in beta so it had never had to handle it's current load. The largest server pops where the euro server, so that might verry well explain why you didn lag there.

Re: What plans are there to fix the servers?

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 3:31 pm
by Cilar
baron66 wrote:I think the lag problem is because the NA server has more people on it now then it did in beta so it had never had to handle it's current load. The largest server pops where the euro server, so that might verry well explain why you didn lag there.
There were no lag during the stress test in August. And believe me there were 10x more people on this server (American, German, French and Euro English community (+ the fact that a beta test is free) on the same server) than there is currently on the american server.

Re: What plans are there to fix the servers?

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 4:56 pm
by sulbe
Does anyone know if NA server farm has made it's transition to north america yet? If not, that should cut down on some of the lag.

Re: What plans are there to fix the servers?

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 7:12 pm
by Fred1l1
Im pretty sure it hasn' needs to though :|

Re: What plans are there to fix the servers?

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 7:18 pm
by korin77
Cilar wrote:There were no lag during the stress test in August. And believe me there were 10x more people on this server (American, German, French and Euro English community (+ the fact that a beta test is free) on the same server) than there is currently on the american server.
Im sorry Cilar but how can you possibly know that? Are you one of the developers? They have not released any information on how many players are actually on the NA servers, there could very well be a larger than expected amount.

The wintermere server wasn't the one being stress tested was it? If there are some hardware issues specific to this server it very well may not have shown up til now because it wasn't stress tested.

Re: What plans are there to fix the servers?

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2004 2:54 am
by lyrah68
I think there is more to your lag that JUST the server. True I have been playing at odd hours, and I AM an unrepentant night owl *preens feathers and hoots*. But I have NEVER gotten long periods of lag.

Now my daughter has had issues and we had to update drivers, update the firewall and slap our router around a while. But even HER system, which is barely scrapping by on system reqs, she gets a FEW stalls.

I would suggest to ANY one that gets frequent long stalls to check into the tech forums. I found these tech forums to have helpful info (even if I did have to have hubby do the stuff, because I was scared of crashing my system).

I have run into the 10:30 pacific time lag just about every night, but it is like clock work and is EASILY waited out (about three to five minutes). Theory is that is when they are running the system back ups, makes sense to me.

Now if you are on DSL or dial are going to lag no MATER WHAT happens.

From the sounds of things you are talking about Horizons style lag. Which I have YET to run into in this game.

Not sure if you are a MMORPG player, but...for those that haven't played them before.

You can and WILL get lag if you don't clean your disks with a utility and defrag your hard drive "regularly", what regularly ends up being varies from game to game and from OS to OS. But I found with EQ and ME I had to defrag and run disk sweeper about ONCE a week, but with Horizons, I had to run them daily. So far I have had this game for TWO weeks, almost three, and had to defrag...due to NeverwinterNights lag, not this game...ONCE.

If you are having graphics Frames per second issues, might want to tune DOWN the graphics. I have a killer graphics card (second from the top Nvidia) so I crank them up to max and have NO lag, but others you might have to tweek it down a notch or two.

To do this in game. Find the WINDOWS GAME ACTION box and click the GAME tab, find the Game configuration tab and click it, find the graphics and click it. Now fiddle around until the lag slacks off a bit and/or things smooth out. On some of the setting changes you MUST log off to get the new setting.

I am not sure if the configure game icon I got was JUSt for beta, but I have also used that too.

Re: What plans are there to fix the servers?

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2004 3:05 am
by stygeon
I'm going to second lyrah here. I have all the keynote problem children ... I run a Linksys router, ATI 9800 Pro 256MB, windows xp, 1 Gig Ram, AMD 64, DSL.

I do not lag ... say again. I do not lag. If you want to call rubberbanding lag .. then okay I did get that but as of today and I just logged from about 4 hours of play without a hiccup one. Not a stall or pause anywhere.

I do understand that there are alot of people who are having problems. I wish it were not that way but every system is different and no one ... not even Microsoft can write all the code needed to make everything play well with everything else.

I have not tweaked anything since I installed Ryzom. I played the last open beta ... deleted the install. Installed fresh from disc and I didnt defrag at any point in that chain. Yeah ... I know I should have. I know this is kind of ramble but anyone having problems really needs to look at what they are trying to run in the background ... ie the little icons by the time. And how many different programs you have installed and removed without any clean up efforts.

I think there are problems on both sides of the fence but I do not think that all of the problems can be attributed to Nevrax or the servers being in Europe ... some of the problems are the way the players have their systems set up.