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Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 2:51 am
by mytra
Are people having trouble finding teams? I have been wanting to level Defense Magician to be a healer but have not had much success finding teams at all.

I have always enjoyed the Everquest type find a group in a dungeon and work together type game play. While it looks as if - on the surface - SOR would do that - I see mostly just solo people.

Game seems to have a lot of potential - but not being able to find a team for 5 strait nights is discouraging. Shoot, was easier finding a team with a druid on EQ =/.

At this point, I have to wonder if I am doing something wrong finding teams or wether the game is more of a soloers game.

Re: Teaming?

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 3:57 am
by grimnoir
I would venture to say that at the lower levels, Ryzom is primarily a soloer's game. At the upper end of play however, not just teams but entire guilds will have to work cooperatively in order to access and accomplish the higher-end content. There is really little reason to group while your template is in it's initial "formation" state, but hang in there this will change as charaters advance.

I suggest that you go to the "Guild" forum on the General page and check out a few of the guild description and contacts there. You may be able to join one of the guilds in it's initial formation phase. Otherwise hang in there a bit until we begin accessing more dangerous (Prime Root) content. Healers will be plenty in demand then.

Re: Teaming?

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 4:13 am
by stygeon
One way to raise your defensive magic while soloing is to use a spell such as fear in conjuction with your normal method of attack. Example ... throw an ice2 at a kipe and then throw a fear. If you do not perform a follow on action or move you should Link with the kipee and he will run around for a while. Watch your sap and when you are ready move and break the link. The kipee will return and you can pummel with more ice2 or throw an additional fear on it. I have used this to 'split' my magic xp for a kill between offensive and defensive magic.

It is slower to raise your defensive magic ... alot slower than healing actually. But at least you can get some xp in it while looking for that team.

Also try to find someone who is looking for the same and share off on attacking and healing duties.

Re: Teaming?

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 5:30 am
by bgrifter
Grouping in EverQuest? You haven't played a Druid, Monk, Shadow Knight, Necromancer or Berserker lately have you? *grin*

ok ok, things are notably better on the grouping front in EQ than they were in the past, but it's still very difficult for certain classes to find a group. That just seems to be how things shake out in any MMORPG.

I feel your pain on def magic though, it's tough to keep up with your offensive. I hear rumors it gets better 150+ though. :)

Re: Teaming?

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 6:14 am
by m3zcl4n
grimnoir wrote:I suggest that you go to the "Guild" forum on the General page and check out a few of the guild description and contacts there. You may be able to join one of the guilds in it's initial formation phase. Otherwise hang in there a bit until we begin accessing more dangerous (Prime Root) content. Healers will be plenty in demand then.

this is the correct answer

ive scored so much defensive xp from my guildies, its wonderful

Re: Teaming?

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 6:54 am
by eegreen
I haven't had any trouble finding teams, even on Beginner Island. When you see people, just ask them if they want to team. Even if half the people say no, you should be able to get at least someone in 10 minutes or so.