The Fyros strafers
Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 11:29 pm
Just a shout out to every one on our amazing strafing journey (ctrl + arrow)
Me = Aheinos,Flamma, Jarm and whirlwind, got you all on my friends list
We even got the guide telemaur himself to strafe with us and he even wacked his candy stick out.
Also the young mektouab was so cool too bad telmaur couldn't summon us one
Btw if you donno what i'm on about it was just the 4 of us strafing about all over the place naked and doing strafing duels and dying, then finding the guide telmaur and getting him to strafe with us. Whish i had screenshots but I forgot, too late, i'm writing this at 12:27 now
Just gota say most fun I have had, starter isle rules, AND KEEP ON STRAFING.
Me = Aheinos,Flamma, Jarm and whirlwind, got you all on my friends list
We even got the guide telemaur himself to strafe with us and he even wacked his candy stick out.
Also the young mektouab was so cool too bad telmaur couldn't summon us one
Btw if you donno what i'm on about it was just the 4 of us strafing about all over the place naked and doing strafing duels and dying, then finding the guide telmaur and getting him to strafe with us. Whish i had screenshots but I forgot, too late, i'm writing this at 12:27 now
Just gota say most fun I have had, starter isle rules, AND KEEP ON STRAFING.