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How do I update my Firmware?

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 5:35 pm
by jee1972
I read thru the very-long threads of hot-fix for Linksys problem and saw a few people advising to update my Firmware. How do I do this?

On a side note, that's kinda worrisome that this hot-fix was proposed back in 2004 and nothing has come from it. It didn't work for me. The only way I can play has removing my router and plugging directly into the cable modem. Which of course really bugs my wife since she loses all internet priviledges.

I sincerely hope I can get this fixed, because the game is very interesting. :(

Re: How do I update my Firmware?

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 7:06 pm
by kiexa
Linksis Download Page

select whatever modem/router/adapter you have from the list in that link, download the "firmware". This is software that is embedded in the hardware device and updates come often. Go into the control panel/settings for your hardware device and look for an option to update firmware, then upload the new firmware when promted.

for routers goto either or to see router settings.

hope this helped. you may also find results if you search for 'firmware' in your devices help files.

Re: How do I update my Firmware?

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 3:30 pm
by jee1972
Ok, I went to the Linksys page, found my Wireless B router firmware update and hit SAVE to save it. It sent this wierd ###.bin file to my desktop that I cannot open to install or anything.

What did I do wrong here?

Did it update and just not let me know?

Re: How do I update my Firmware?

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 3:44 pm
by eadwig1
The Linksys website has the answers here.

The only difficulty is a wireless router can't be upgraded over the wireless connection.
You have to connect it to the computer with an ethernet cable.


Re: How do I update my Firmware?

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 1:45 am
by jee1972
thanks for all the help guys...I think that solved my problem completely.

Now I'm just waiting for Ryzom to take my money. :)