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Team Spirit

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 11:54 pm
by arfindel
Some years ago in Fairhaven a bunch of friends created a group named Team Spirit. They were as different as people can be: some of them fighters, some crafters, some local intellectuality. What they shared were the Tryker fundamental values under the traditional "live and let live" adage.

Some of them have discovered in Fyros academies how important honour can be, others went in the Void to seek for deep knowledge of the Zorai mystics, others indulged themselves in the Matis refinements. But none of them ever got fanatic about one cause and their tryker fundamental view on life made them able to understand we're all first and foremost homins.

Mainly Tryker as foundation, the TS is open to Fyros, Zorai and Matis. Somehow the cynical view of warriors united with the intellectual skepticism kept them for a long time away from the religious war that was burning the canopy.
But after all they were homins, they were happy on Atys and didn't want to leave for alien spaces, and homins would not exist without Atys so more and more they became inclined towards those mystical beings who gave homins the tools to defend the source of their merry life.

Early in the morning, when the orange sky is goldening the desert under the fading stars, when the heat has not sharpened its fangs yet on the bones of those lost in the sands, four small peregrins left Cerakos Gate towards the Kami Temple in the North of the city. They were the first members of Team Spirit that openly embraced one of the religions...

Re: Team Spirit

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2007 12:57 pm
by arfindel
Team Spirit is a tryker kami guild based in Fairhaven (created January 2006).
Most of us are diggers and crafters but we also take pleasure in hunting, pvp-ing and role playing.
We are here to live a different experience not to win the game. TS has been always between medium and small guild, and we promote this range to make people feel like a family more than an organisation.
Guild rules are easy and based on fairness.

We are allied with most kami guilds, some neutral and even some karavan ones. During wars we can use our Ventrilo server. At times we organise larger events than those regularly taking place in the guild. If you want to make your own fashion show, contest, bar night or whatever your imagination can create you're most welcome.
While the guild stands for you it's same important that you are independent, strong and able to use your independency and provide for the others.

Our officers are here to help. Even if you're not interested in joining any guild but need an explanation, a hand with a trek or just somebody to talk to you're encouraged to contact them.