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My Eyes Bgin to open...

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 5:27 am
by crooky
... Stepping forth from my long retreat from the kitin, my eyes are greeted with a marvellous sight, the isle of silan and all its wonders....

Just a quick hello really, recently discovered this through an mmporg group I belong to ( and I have to say what an awesome experience you have created here.
My lips are wet with anticipation of discovering what Atys has to offer and I would like to congratulate everyone involved, and it is very very refreshing to see such community focus not only supported ingame by a company but also to have useful and mature forums.

I hope my character, Rashy meets you on the mainland, and with a bit of luck a few of my friends will be with me.
Great work all. Enjoy Atys I certainly am and I have hardly scratched the suface (in the case of harvesting literally)

Long Live The Zorai

Re: My Eyes Bgin to open...

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 9:24 am
by jamela
Hello Rashy :) I look forward to bumping into you in the Cities of Intuition, then.

Re: My Eyes Begin to open...

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 3:13 pm
by crooky
I hope so too :)

... finally after about 15 hours play on the starter island i think i have worked it out a bit... almost had an alcoholics moment of clarity i think.

There are a few little niggles about action bars and stuff, but generally going good. Again Grats to the Devs on this... *wanders off to explore*

Re: My Eyes Bgin to open...

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 7:21 pm
by pr0to
I'll use your thread to say Hello too Rashy :-)

Tigar of the Fyros, wanderer of this wondrous place, at your service. Hope to see you all on the mainland!